May 21 - 22, 2013
5th iNTeg-Risk Conference 2013

"Horizon 2020: From iNTeg-Risk to the
European Emerging Risk Radar"
Stuttgart, Germany on May 21-22, 2013
The 5th and final iNTeg-Risk conference was an excellent opportunity for project partners to communicate their results to the “outside world” and an opportunity for interested professionals, not participating in the iNTeg-Risk project, to learn about the project and its numerous results ( This final conference was partly dedicated to one of the ways for ensuring sustainability of the project results: The European Emerging Risk Radar (E2R2) Initiative is envisaged as a platform enabling to recognize, monitor and manage emerging risks at the European level.
Further details about the conference are to be found on:
iNTeg-Risk Conference Committee and iNTeg-Risk Project Team
May 7 - 8, 2012
Main Event - 4th iNTeg-Risk Conference 2012
4th Announcement
4th iNTeg-Risk Conference 2012
"Managing Early Warnings - what and how to look for?"
Stuttgart, Germany on May 7-8, 2012
in conjunction with
iNTeg-Risk education courses (“European Master of Risk Management and Engineering”) and
“China-Europe Risk Forum”
The 4th iNTeg-Risk Conference is an excellent opportunity for project partners to communicate their results to the “outside world” and an opportunity for interested professionals, not participating in the iNTeg-Risk project, to learn about the project and its numerous results (150 deliverables already available) (
This year, the Conference will be focused on the issues dealing with management of early warnings as well as with multiple and interconnected emerging risks of New Technologies and presentation of the current iNTeg-Risk results. The Conference will be accompanied by an iNTeg-Risk Education Course and a specialized OECD workshop. This will be an additional opportunity for the entire risk community to share experiences on risk governance, communication, analysis and management and to enjoy the pleasant ambience of Hotel Maritim and Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart.
The preliminary program of the conference comprises:
May 2-5, 2012
Introduction to Risk Management (Risk and Safety Management)
This course (I-R1 INTRO) belongs to the series of courses of iNTeg-Risk (WP4.10). It is a part of the certified and accredited system of SHB (Steinbeis University Berlin) of academic and professional education (“European Master of Risk Management and Engineering”).
Participation: Open, registration:
May 4, 2012
A specialists’ meeting on “Role of space technologies and ICT in the surveillance of global threats”. This is the third workshop out of 5, organized by OECD International Futures Programme (IFP)
Participation: By invitation, open for project partners and members of EU-VRi, please contact:
May 6, 2012
Welcome reception
An ideal occasion to meet people attending the conference in the friendly atmosphere of the Maritim Hotel Stuttgart!
Participation: Open, registration:
May 7-8, 2012
Main Conference
The results obtained in the project so far will be presented more in detail, including iNTeg-Risk early warning system RiskEars, emerging risk mapping (RiskAtlas of iNTeg-Risk), emerging risk management framework (iNTeg-Risk ERMF), emerging risk monitoring (iNTeg-Risk RiskClock and RiskTweet), emerging risk communication and methods and tools for emerging risk analysis.
Participation: Open, registration:
May 8, 2012
Project General Assembly (GA)
Annual meeting of iNTeg-Risk project partners summarizing project issues and making the important project-related decisions.
Participation: Project partners only, registration:
May 9, 2012
International Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting
The annual meeting of the Board will be the occasion to review project results and implementation of the IAB-recommendations of 2011
Participation: IAB members only, registration:
During the conference a demonstration booth with permanent discussion-based interaction will be available in the registration area.
The registration for the Main Conference is open at:
Further details including the detailed program can be found on the announcement and on the website.
For possible queries, please, feel free to contact us at
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Stuttgart.
iNTeg-Risk Conference Committee and iNTeg-Risk Project Team |
June 6, 2011
iNTeg-Risk Workshop on Emerging risks: contributing factors (organized by IRGC)
iNTeg-Risk Workshop on Emerging risks: contributing factors
(organized by IRGC)
Concept of the workshop:
IRGC defines as “emerging” a risk that is new, or a familiar risk in a new or unfamiliar context or under new context conditions (re-emerging). Emerging risks are issues that are perceived to be potentially significant but which may not be fully understood and assessed, thus not allowing risk management options to be developed with confidence.
In December 2010, IRGC marked the completion of phase 1 of its project on emerging risks with the publication of the report ‘Emerging Risks: Contributing Factors’. This report focuses on how and why risks emerge, describing twelve generic factors that contribute to the creation of ‘fertile ground’ from which new risks may emerge. These factors are applicable across multiple domains and, while some factors may also be relevant for other kinds of risk, all have been identified by IRGC as particularly pertinent to the kind of systemic, emerging risks that span countries, sectors and the boundaries between natural, technological and social systems. Some of the factors are, at least to a certain extent, controllable or manipulable by decision-makers – for example, ‘perverse incentives’, ‘communication’ or ‘social dynamics’. Other factors may be unsuitable for external manipulation, but can nevertheless be monitored and measured so that unusual patterns or deviations from the norm can be detected early – for example, ‘loss of safety margins’, positive feedback’ or ‘varying susceptibilities to risk’.
This workshop will begin by describing the twelve factors and the importance of understanding them from a systems perspective. Such a perspective is especially relevant when considering complex systems, and it is from complex systems that emerging risks often arise. Examples will be given to help put the factors into context and demonstrate their impact on some past ‘emerging’ risks, as well as their relevance to the iNTeg-Risk project. Further discussion will centre on how the concept of contributing factors can be turned into concrete guidance for overcoming obstacles to emerging risk anticipation and response and what practitioners can learn from these IRGC tools.
Workshops fees (per workshop, + VAT if applicable):
- 150 €, for project partners and IAB members
- 250 €, for other participants.
The registration to a workshop includes handouts and coffee breaks.
June 6 - 10, 2011
3rd iNTeg-Risk Conference 2011
Early Recognition, Monitoring and
Integrated Management
of Emerging, New Technology Related, Risks |
The iNTeg-Risk team is pleased to announce the
3rd iNTeg-Risk Conference 2011
"Risk vs. Risk: Managing Emerging Risk-Benefit Tradeoffs in Complex Systems"
Stuttgart, Germany on June 6-8, 2011
in conjunction with
SRA-Europe 2011 Annual Meeting (June 5-8, 2011),
iNTeg-Risk workshops and iNTeg-Risk project meetings

Haus der Wirtschaft
Willi-Bleicher-Strasse 19
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
(25 mins by metro to the airport,
10 mins walk to the main railway station) |
The conference is an excellent opportunity for project partners to communicate their results to the “outside world” and an opportunity for
interested professionals, not participating in the iNTeg-Risk project, to learn about the project (, budget approx. 20 million €, 80+ companies involved). The preliminary
program of the conference comprises:
1. June 6, 2011
Pre-conference workshops related to iNTeg-Risk project:
- Workshop on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Workshop organized by International Risk Governance Council (IRGC)
2. June 7-8, 2011
Main Conference
With strong presence of high-level representatives from government, regulatory and standardization brokers, EU and EU agencies, industry and other organizations. The conference will take place in conjunction with SRA Europe 20th Annual Meeting providing the delegates with an opportunity to liaison with participants attending SRA Europe meeting. The two conferences will have joint plenary meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday allowing the participants to attend some of the SRA sessions and vice-versa.
3. June 6-10, 2011
Accompanying events (all project internal)
- Project meetings for single project activities (Workpackage and Task meetings)
June 6 & 10, 2011
- International Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting
June 8, 2010
- Project General Assembly (GA)
June 9, 2010
- Project Executive Board (EB) Meeting
June 9, 2011
- ERRA-Integration Delphi-Workshop
June 9, 2011
- Preparation meeting for Exploitation Strategy Seminar for iNTeg-Risk project (optional)
June 10, 2011
For the project partners the main conference (June 7-8, 2011) and some of the accompanying events on June 6-10, 2011 (e.g. General Assembly, Delphi-Workshop) are project meetings, i.e. mandatory, the workshops of June 6, 2011 are optional.
For registration, please use the Online registration form. Please note that online registration is open until Tuesday, May 31, 2011. On-site registration is possible.
Further details about the Conference can be found on the event page: link
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Stuttgart.
A. Jovanovic
iNTeg-Risk Project Coordinator
on behalf of the iNTeg-Risk Conference Committee and iNTeg-Risk Project Team
June 6, 2011
iNTeg-Risk workshop on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
iNTeg-Risk workshop on
Key Performance Indicators proposed and/or applied in iNTeg-Risk ERRAs: Elaboration, specification and further usage
Concept of the workshop:
The workshop will focus on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) provided as part of the project result coming from 17 case studies - so called Emerging Risk Representative industrial Applications (ERRAs) - that were carried out in the first two years of iNTeg-Risk project. All 17 ERRAs were grouped around the topics
- Emerging Risk in New Technologies
- Emerging Risks in New Materials and Products
- Emerging Risks in New Production Technologies and Production Networks
- Emerging Risk Related Policies
and were asked to include a list of recommended KPIs in their final reports. KPIs that were provided by the different ERRAs have been pre-analyzed within the project already.
During the workshop the participants will discuss the general approach on KPIs in iNTeg-Risk project and discuss single KPIs and their necessary specification using sets of KPIs provided by different ERRAs as example. This will lead to discussions on elaboration, specification and further usage of the Key Performance Indicators proposed by the different ERRA groups.
The targeted audience for this workshop is:
- All ERRA leaders and/or deputies
- WP2.4 Leaders and Task Leaders
- Interested external participants
External participants will have to register on their own costs. Project participants registration costs will be covered by respective project budgets.
Workshops fees (per workshop, + VAT if applicable):
- 150 €, for project partners and IAB members
- 250 €, for other participants.
The registration to a workshop includes handouts and coffee breaks.
The registration for project partners is free of cost.
April 7, 2011
Detailed planning meeting SP3
Invited are SP3 Leaders, WP Leaders and Leaders of integrative ERRAs
1. Short presentations of the WPs and validation cases within SP3.
2. Short summary of results of SP2 that can be/should be used in SP3.
3. Discussion about detailed planning and up-grading the WP.
November 25, 2010
Next (final) steps for ERRA B1
Please find numbers for Dial-in under documents below. PIN code for POWWOWNOW is 912005.
November 8 - 10, 2010
iNTeg-Risk meeting on (1) integration (SP1/SP2), (2) SP3 KoM and (3) reporting preparation
The project meeting on November 8-10, 2010 in Brussels is a 3 day event concerning all subprojects of iNTeg-Risk:
- SP1 - presentation of results, integration and final check for second year reporting
- SP2 - presentation of results, integration and final check for second year reporting
- SP3 - kick-off meeting
- SP4 - presentation of results, integration and final check for second year reporting
- presentation of CEN Workshop Agreement Business Plan
- SP5 - General issues (e.g. related to second period reporting)
- 9th Executive Board meeting
- Introduction of the new partner Fraunhofer IOSB
Expected participants:
- All project participants as well as representatives from the European Commission are invited (EC personnel on 3rd day only).
- The meeting is mandatory for Subproject Leaders and Workpackage Leaders of SP1, SP2 and SP4 (only active WPs!).
- Due to integration activities, the presence of ERRA representatives is necessary for Monday, November 8, 2010.
- SP3 WPLs will have to be present for SP3 Kick-off.
Below a preliminary program is given for all 3 days. Please note that this program might be modified slightly.
- Monday, November 8, 2010:
Vertretung des Landes Baden-Württemberg,
Rue Belliard 60-62,
1040 Brussels - Location: A
- Tuesday, November 9, 2010:
Hôtel du Congrès,
Rue du Congres 42,
1000 Brussels - Location: B
- Wednesday, November 10, 2010:
European Commission
SDME building,
Room 7E,
Square de Meeus 8,
1049 Brussels - Location: C
October 6, 2010
Working meeting T4.3.1
Workshop Agenda
The aim of the workshop is to consider a sample of the KPIs, and to reach a consensus as to the suitability of each KPI for a) mature technologies and b) emerging technologies. This will be done using a traffic light system (i.e. where green is ‘suitable’, yellow is ‘may or may not be suitable’, and red is ‘not suitable’). In addition brief notes on the factors affecting the judgements will be recorded (please see figure 1, below).
Arrival and coffees
Overview of workshop
Introductions (including experience and expertise)
T4.3.1 context/Background
Shared experiences/observations (e.g. collecting KPIs)
Mid-morning break
Review a sample of KPIs:
o Review supporting information
o Agree suitability of KPIs for mature and emerging technologies
o Discuss basis of these decisions
Noteworthy observations
(e.g. what characteristics make KPIs suitable for emerging technologies?)
Mid-afternoon break
General experiences of KPIs:
o Lessons learnt and best practice
o How are KPIs best presented
o Alternatives to KPIs
Next steps – compiling the report
End of Workshop
Figure 1 - Example of how KPI information will be recorded
Emerging Risk Management Framework
Applicable to mature technologies?
Potentially applicable to emerging technologies?
Percentage of safety critical plant/equipment that performs to specification when inspected or tested
(T) Technology
Requires identification of safety critical plant/equipment (and specified criteria for performance). Assumes inspection and testing practices have been developed.
August 31 - September 1, 2010
ERRA D4 Progress meeting
ERRA D4 progress meeting to discuss the final draft reports.
June 18, 2010
III.4 Workshop: China-Europe partnership in the area of emerging risks
Workshop Committee
O. Salvi, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
A. Jovanovic, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
R. Bubbico, Univ. di Roma La Sapienza and Past-President of SRA-Europe, Italy
B. Affeltranger, Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques, France
L. Bodsberg, SINTEF, Norway
C-F. Huang, Beijing Normal University and President of SRA-China, China
Z. Zhang, Beijing Municipal Institute for Labour Protection (BMILP), China
G. Zhai, Nanjing University, Vice-Secretary-General of SRA-China, China
Contact & Organization
M. Löscher, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
R. Kokejl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
A. Veres, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH, Germany
B. Caillard, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
About the workshop
The objective of the workshop is to develop cooperation between Europe and China on emerging risks, as a follow up of the 1st China-Europe Risk Forum that took place in October 2009 in Beijing, hosted by BMILP and sponsored by SRA-Europe and EU-VRi.
The workshop will enable to review existing cooperations and initiate new ones on the following topics:
- Risks related to hazardous substances and processes in the industry: Roberto Bubbico
- Risks related to Transport Systems and Networks, including "life line" transporting utilities, products and information: Olivier Salvi
- Risk triggered by natural disasters: Bastien Affeltranger
- Methods and approaches for risk assessment and management: Aleksandar Jovanovic
- Risk Policies, Monitoring, Governance and Communication: Lars Bodsberg
In particular, in order to stimulate the cross participation in projects, prior to the workshop, the participants of the conference will be asked to fill in a form presenting project opportunities, with a specification of the profile of the partners expected.
The outcome of the workshop will be the creation of partnership to submit proposals for collaborative research or scientific activities in European or Chinese programmes.
June 18, 2010
III.5 ERRA-Integration Delphi-Workshop
III.5 ERRA-Integration Delphi-Workshop
- activity related to T1.6.7.
- identify consensus and consensus on dissent on risk assessment of dealing ERRA topics.
- essential input for project tasks such as ERMF, KPIs, One-Stop-Shop.
Methodology used:
- Delphi expert group workshop
- mandatory for all ERRA leaders and SP1 leaders
June 17, 2010
III.3 Workshop: New Technologies and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Workshop Committee
A. Jovanovic, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
R. X. Ruter, Ernst & Young, Germany
W. Scheunemann, DOKEO, Germany (ytbc)
Contact & Organization
N. Ghavami, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH, Germany
M. Löscher, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
About the workshop
FP7 project iNTeg-Risk ( is dealing with early recognition, monitoring and integrated management of emerging, new technology related risks. Over 60 organisations and more than 350 persons have committed themselves to develop a harmonised EU-answer to these emerging risks, which are considered as one of the major problems for the competitiveness of the EU innovation industry. One of the important pillars in the interdisciplinary approach of iNTeg-Risk project is the involvement of social aspects and corporate responsibility throughout the whole life cycle of new technologies covered by the project.
In this workshop, we would like to bridge the gap between different CSR-relevant groups, who might already work according to CSR-related concepts, but are not in-line with other units; like differences in comprehension and application of CSR-concepts among engineers and businessmen.
As the target group for this workshop is, apart from invited externals, the project consortium itself with persons mostly having technical background, this event (and the iNTeg-Risk project itself) is a one of the kind opportunity to address an interested and dedicated group of persons (engineers), whose work within the project can be considered as a test bed for CSR concepts and approaches, which will find their application within the project and its results. Main expected benefits for the participants are:
- Learning from application of sustainability concepts in other sectors (engineering vs. business/financial).
- Get in touch with experienced global players in sustainability reporting in order to elaborate appropriate concepts for New Technologies and its related emerging risks.
Foreseen participants for this workshop are project members and CSR/Sustainability responsible persons of companies and public authorities.
June 17, 2010
III.1 Workshop: Concepts and Applications of Key Performance Indicators for New Technologies
Workshop organizers
Y. Dien & C. Duval, Electricité de France, France
M. Hailwood, Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Chair of the OECD Working Group on Chemical Accidents
A. Jovanovic, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
G. Kuhn, BASF, Germany
K.-J. Niemitz, Clariant Produkte GmbH, Germany / EPSC, UK
R. Schneider, Swiss Re, Switzerland
L.G.A. van Wijk, EC - JRC IPSC Major Accident Hazards
Contact & Organization
R. Kokejl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
M. Löscher, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
A. Veres, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies, Germany
About the workshop
The workshop will address the issue of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as used, or planned to be used in iNTeg-Risk Project ( In the project KPIs are one of the four main cornerstones of the methodology for assessing and managing emerging risks linked to New Technologies (the other three being the IRGC Framework, UML and Basel-II-like procedure for assessing the risks). In particular, the application of KPIs for the 17 ERRAs of iNTeg-Risk (ERRAs – Emerging Risks Representative Applications) is supposed to be looked at in more detail. This should be the case both for the ERRA-specific KPIs and for the KPIs used to compare ERRAs and single risk issues within each of them.
Main concepts developed by organizations like OECD, HSE/HSL, CCPS or VCI will be discussed in the first part of the workshop. Application of these and other concepts is foreseen to be tackled in the second and third part of the workshop, where also the practical aspects of these applications, including tools and the practical view from the industry on the use of indicators will be presented and discussed.
Main expected benefits for the participants are:
- Introduction to the KPI concepts, by their developers
- Presentation of examples of application, both within iNTeg-Risk and outside iNTeg-Risk
- Exchange of experiences in using KPIs both within iNTeg-Risk and in other projects/activities
Expected participants to this course are plant engineers, managers and risk experts.
June 17, 2010
III.2 Course: Nanosmile - Communicating risks related to nanotechnologies
Course Committee
Y. Sicard, Alternative & Atomic Energies Commissary, France
S. Jovanovic, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
Contact & Organization
N. Ghavami, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH, Germany
R. Kokejl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
About the course
The Nanosmile website , developed in parallel of FP6 NanoSafe 2 has been available full web since June, 2008. Initially implemented as an e-learning support available internally at the Atomic Energy Commissary, Nanosmile has been gradually opened to the public at large. This website is now specifically dedicated to support:
- Professional training sessions in order to guarantee adoption of best practices,
- Institutional education program in order to make students aware to emerging risks,
- Public information dissemination in order to structure societal dialogue.
FP7 NanEX, NanoHouse and NanoCode projects will feed Nanosmile content and structure during 2010-13 periods. iNTeg-Risk T4.10.7 will closely connect the Nanosmile website to the iNTeg-Risk One-Stop-Shop in different possible implementations.
This course proposes a Nanosmile concept and feedback presentation. Three different modules nanotraining, nanoeducation and nanodialogue will be structured as follows:
- Presentation: initial goals, implementation phase, feedback experience
- Generic methodological questions: discussion on the basis of IRGC, EMRF framework
- Specific content questions: answers will be supported by a detailed website visit
June 16, 2010
2nd iNTeg-Risk General Assembly
Stuttgart, Haus der Wirtschaft, König-Karl-Halle
June 15, 2010
Dinner of 2nd iNTeg-Risk Conference
Dinner of 2nd iNTeg-Risk Conference
June 15, 2010
2nd iNTeg-Risk IAB meeting
Stuttgart, Haus der Wirtschaft, Turm A (reserved but tentative!)
June 15, 2010
Poster Sessions
II.2 Poster Session
June 15 - 16, 2010
2nd iNTeg-Risk Conference:
New Technologies & Emerging Risk - Main Conference
2nd iNTeg-Risk Conference 2010:
New Technologies & Emerging Risk
Annual Topic: Dealing with multiple and
interconnected emerging risks
June 14-18, 2010, Stuttgart
Haus der Wirtschaft
Willi-Bleicher-Strasse 19
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
I. Pre-conference Courses & Workshops
June 14, 2010
- I.1 Course: Principles of IRGC Framework
- I.2 Course: Life Cycle Assessment
- I.3 Course: Life management, maintenance and aging (OSHA)
- I.4 Course: Use of semantic technology (web text-mining) to generate early warning information for risk management
II. Main Conference
June 15-16, 2010
The Main Conference will be organized as a “single track” event focusing onto major contribution from the main stakeholders (industry partners, SMEs, EU, government and regulatory bodies). A special poster session will take place on June 15, 2010.
III. Post-Conference Courses and Workshops
June 17-18, 2010
- III.1 Workshop: Concept and Application of Key Performance Indicators for New Technologies
- III.2 Course: Nanosmile - Communicating risks related to nanotechnologies
- III.3 Workshop: Emerging risks and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
- III.4 Workshop: China-Europe partnership in the area of emerging risks
- III.5 Workshop: ERRA-Integration Delphi-Workshop
NOTE: Courses are intended for groups of 12-20 people, with 1 or 2 main “teachers” leading discussions at the end. The workshops are intended for groups of 15-80 people with presentations from different authors and collegial discussions leading to better clarified and/or consolidated positions. The workshop coordinators may but need not necessarily be the chairpersons and moderators. |
IV. Accompanying events
June 14-18, 2010
- Project meetings for single project activities (e.g. Workpackage and Task meetings)
June 14-18, 2010
- Conference Exhibition
June 15, 2010
- International Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting
June 15, 2010
- Project General Assembly (GA)
June 16, 2010
Further details, e.g. fees you can find on the leaflet:
June 14, 2010
Task Meeting for related tasks 2.3.8 and 2.4.8 and 2.5.3
The Meeting should me multi-focused and cover several tasks.
June 14, 2010
Workshop on Handbook of Recommended Practises
Workshop on Handbook of Recommended Practises
June 14, 2010
Stuttgart, Haus der Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Strasse 19
Participation of all Task Leaders in WP2.5 is mandatory!
Agenda (Final version - 11/06/2010)
17.30 Start Meeting – Welcome (E. Salzano)
17.40 General Template structure (R. Rota)
17.50 Discussion
18.00 Detailed contents of Chapter 3 “Emerging Risk Assessment procedure” + Discussion (L. De Prisco)
18.10 Detailed contents of Chapter 4 “Uncertainties in the assessment of emerging risks” + Discussion (A. Dutfoy)
18.20 Detailed contents of Chapter 5 “Data mining for emerging risk assessment” + Discussion (M. Nelke)
18.30 Detailed contents of Chapter 6 “NaTech, common and systemic factors” + Discussion (M. Reimeringer)
18.40 Detailed contents of Chapter 7 “Human factor” + Discussion (Y. Dien)
18.50 Detailed contents of Chapter 8 “Environmental impact and sustainability assessment” + Discussion (M. Gerbec)
19.00 Final approval of the Template
June 14, 2010
I.3 Course: Life management, maintenance and aging (OSHA)
Course Committee
D. Balos, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH, Germany
J. M. Bareiß, EnBW Kraftwerke AG, Germany
A. Jovanovic, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management EEIG, Germany
R. Klaas / M. Schenk, DEKRA Industrial GmbH, Germany
Gy. Lenkey, Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research, Hungary
K. Maile, MPA University of Stuttgart, Germany
M. Renner, Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Germany
Contact & Organization
N. Ghavami, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH, Germany
A. Veres, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH, Germany
About the course
The course is aimed to provide an opportunity to explore the risk in day-to-day operation of industrial plants, power and petrochemical plants in particular. In the daily practice risk appears on two main levels:
- As a part of a safety, reliability and availability problems (e.g. the components failing die to aging or other problems) and
- As an opportunity to optimize management of the plants focussing on critical issues and saving resources in non-critical areas.
When dealing with both issues, much of the practice is already well defined and even covered by normative documents, regulation, standards or agreed guidelines. But new risks, unaccounted for in these documents, appear.
- Extending the plant life beyond the design limits
- Changing operation patterns
- Introducing new technologies when refurbishing old plants
appear regularly as sources of new risks and "surprises" for virtually all stakeholders – not only operators, but also regulators, inspectors, consultants.
The course will address these issues for the two abovementioned type of plants (power and petro-chemical) and look at the risks related to:
- Material lifetime assessment & Component inspection
- Component/Plant maintenance & Asset management
Issues specific for iNTeg-Risk, such as
- Integrated management of risks, also by means of integrated tools,
- Identification and treatment of emerging risks and
- Use of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
will be tackled in the context of performance-oriented and efficient operation. The target audience are primarily engineers and all other professionals involved and/or interested in safe and reliable operation of industrial plants.
June 14, 2010
I.4 Course: Use of semantic technology (web text-mining) to generate early warning information for risk management
Course Committee
M. Embrechts, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States
L. Keller, Blue Ocean-SWS, Switzerland
R. Schneider, Swiss Reinsurance Company, Switzerland
Contact & Organization
R. Kokejl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
M. Löscher, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
About the course
Emerging Risk Managements relies very much on early warning information.
The internet gives a real-time access to almost infinite sources of information – semantic web technology offers the framework to build efficient and effective solutions to generate automatically highly relevant information for dedicated knowledge needs.
This course will give an overview about the technologies (and the providers) that fit early warning needs in risk management.
We will give an introduction to the concepts of semantic web technologies and semantic intelligences, and we will show running solutions in the sectors of nano-technologies, alternative energy, pharma product risks, and others.
Main benefits for the participants of this course are:
- Deep insight into the value of different web sources from a risk management perspective (scientific, stakeholder, government, databases, consumer generated contents).
- An overview of the potentials of semantic web technologies and semantic intelligence solutions and the major providers in the market.
- An introduction how to use these technologies and sources for emerging risk management purposes practically (2 professional examples used by re-insurances).
Target participants of this workshop are project managers, Innovation- and Knowledge- Managers, governmental experts and scientific representatives.
June 14, 2010
I.1 Course: Principles of IRGC Framework - Applying IRGC’s framework to emerging risks covered in iNTeg-Risk
Course Committee
M.-V. Florin, International Risk Governance Council, Switzerland
A. Jovanovic, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
O. Renn, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Contact & Organization
R. Kokejl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
M. Löscher, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management, Germany
About the course
One of the challenges in the FP7 project iNTeg-Risk (Early recognition, monitoring and integrated management of emerging, new technology related risks; is the development of the Emerging Risks Management Framework (ERMF). To elaborate such a framework, which should be broadly applicable and extend to a large number of new technologies tackled by the project, it is important to have a good starting point and a basis that may serve as guidance and give orientation for further scientific work. In iNTeg-Risk, the framework developed by the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) was selected as one of the cornerstones of the project. When starting the project, IRGC’s framework with its phases pre-assessment, appraisal, characterization/evaluation, management and communication was considered worthy of being elaborated and adjusted to the needs of new technologies and emerging risks during the project.
In 2009, IRGC developed and illustrated the concept of “risk governance deficits” as deficiencies or failures in the way risks are assessed, managed or communicated, with a view to suggesting possible remediation and improvements in the global risk governance process. This approach was deliberately pursued with a view to establishing a concrete link between the framework and emerging risks.
This course will give a first outlook on what has been done in the first year of the iNTeg-Risk project with respect to the above mentioned and may identify additional needs and correctives to be implemented. With the close collaboration of the project management and IRGC representatives in organization of this course, it will be a great opportunity not only for project members, but also for externals, to work closely together with persons from the core group of framework developers on concepts needed for successful future risk management. The first results of the work related to the application of the framework in the iNTeg-Risk project will be discussed, too.
Participants in the course will benefit from:
- An introduction to the IRGC risk governance framework and deficits, by their developers
- A presentation of examples of promising application of the framework
- An exchange of experiences in adjustment of the framework to the needs of emerging risks
The target audience for this course consists of risk experts of varied backgrounds (from engineering to social science) from both companies and public authorities.
June 14, 2010
I.2 Course: Life Cycle Assessment - How to perform LCA for New Technologies?
Course Committee
L. Breedveld, 2B Consulenza Ambientale, Italy
H. Florin, PE International, Germany
Contact & Organization
N. Ghavami, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH, Germany
A. Veres, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH, Germany
About the course
Life Cycle Assessment is an instrument used for evaluation of potential environmental impacts of products or services throughout its entire life cycle. In this course, LCA experts will explain the basic concepts of LCA and present the leading software tools supporting this assessment. The major focus will be on life cycle analysis for New Technologies and their associated Emerging Risks. How to adjust “traditional” LCA methods and tools to make them applicable for New Technologies and how to deal with the obvious difficulties like uncertainties and lack of knowledge of their life cycle are main questions the course will attempt to answer. The course will be organized in close collaboration with developers and resellers of two market leading software tools (GaBi and SimaPro). Main expected benefits for the participants of this course are:
- General introduction to methods and tools of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
- Learn about incorporation of life cycle concepts (methods and tools) in the field of emerging risks.
Expected participants of this course are project members, Risk Analysis experts and LCA experts from companies and public authorities.
June 8, 2010
SP2 management
Please dial the following numbers: - If you call from the outside of France: 0033 1 53 94 54 80 - if you call from France: 01 53 94 54 80
May 21, 2010
Preparation of Delphi Workshop (June 18, 2010)
About the workshop
The event is embedded in T1.6.7 as part of the integration of ERRA activities. As a whole WP 1.6 aims at integrating the results of individual ERRAs and topics and ensure consensus of the majority of partners and stakeholder groups involved in the subproject.
Task objectives are to identify consensus and consensus on dissent on risk assessment of dealing with INTeg-Risk related emerging risks and elicit cross-cutting risk assessment issues covering all ERRA cases. The task results will provide essential inputs for upcoming project tasks such as ERMF, KPIs, One-Stop-Shop. The Delphi group workshop method will be used to reach these goals.
The Delphi method is a systematic, interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of independent experts. The carefully selected experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each round, a facilitator provides an anonymous summary of the experts’ forecasts from the previous round as well as the reasons they provided for their judgments. Thus, experts are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members of their panel. It is believed that during this process the range of the answers will decrease and the group will converge towards the "correct" answer.
May 20, 2010
Working meeting (T2.1.3)
ERRAs inputs, the analysis of these inputs, the PDD... on the basis of your presentation of the structure of the survey.
April 30, 2010
KoM of T1.3.1 (ERRA B1)
Kick-off Meeting of T1.3.1 (ERRA B1)
on Friday, April 30, 2010
at TÜV-Süd premises
in Munich, Germany
April 21, 2010
Additional contributions to SP4
Additional contributions to SP4
Physical Meeting,
taking place in Stuttgart April 21, 2010
at 10:00-16:30 CET
on Steinbeis premises
Room K7
Kienestrasse 35
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
April 1, 2010
KoM of T2.6.4
Kick-off Meeting of T2.6.4
as a Teleconference
March 23, 2010
T.2.1.1 Progress Meeting
Progress meeting of Task 2.1.1
March 16, 2010
T2.5.1 Kick Off Meeting
Kick Off Meeting of T2.5.1
Agenda of the meeting:
1) Discussion on tasks interactions especially with T2.5.7
2) Organization of work and attribution of responsibilities for the first milestone
3) Definition of action list for the task
4) AOB
March 12, 2010
7th Executive Board Meeting
Comments from the 1st Review Meeting EU (Feb. 5, 2010)
Debriefing (see our minutes, the report from the Commission is still not available)
- SP1 Major issues:
- Technical deliverables: very different across ERRAs - from very good to none
- Risk-related outputs: few or none in virtually all ERRAs, so far
- Few or no cross-ERRA collaboration so far (Conference?)
- Poor or no use of the template (who should "enforce" its use?) No possibility for comparison
- Due to a-d FEW/NO INTEGRATION on the level of ERRAs
- "Silent ERRAs"
- GOOD NEWS: Several "flagship" ERRAs
- GOOD NEWS: All ERRAs (finally!) activated
- SP2 Major issues:
- Few or no requests for new methods from SP1
- Lack of real innovation in SP2 results available so far (some even below the state of-the-art)
- Lack of proactive attitude of SP2 partners towards SP1 ERRAs - except for "own ERRAs"
- Guidelines - tendency of providing "science in the place of practice"
- KPIs - tendency to provide the old ones (not emerging risk related), no/few examples
- GOOD NEWS: Surveys, surveys... Partners must understand that it is their obligation to respond
- GOOD NEWS: Paradigm / Framework
- GOOD NEWS: "Basel II" >> "Solvency II"
- SP4 Major issues:
- Obtaining/providing contents - people => SENTINELS
- Obtaining/providing contents - companies => ENISFER
- Obtaining/providing contents - tools/competences => 1-stop-shop
- Obtaining/providing contents - ERIs => Risk Atlas
- Obtaining/providing contents - Documents => Safetypedia
- Obtaining/providing contents - background GIS data => embedding ERs into "conventional risks"
- GOOD NEWS: Prototype available ahead of the schedule >> A real "factor of integration"
- SP5 Major issues
- All deliverables (formally) delivered - acceptance procedure not really followed yet
- Overspending: Many partners at the level of 70-80% of cost – no control of results possible!
- Conference June 2010: Many partners NOT participating
- "Part-time participation" at the meeting
- Partners withdrawn: no "in-between" solutions; it must be clear what remains to be done and how
- GOOD NEWS: We are well in control of all events in the project!
- GOOD NEWS: Everything except all "issues" above is OK
- Decisions:
- Remind partners about their contractual obligations to
- provide data
- follow the work plan
- collabor. with each other (cf. "part-time participation" at meetings and participate at Conf!)
- No "replacement" partners can be accepted before the procedure with leaving is finished
- The "restrictive cost recognition" policy to be implemented by the PCO ("precautionary principle in payments of iNTeg-Risk")
March 11, 2010
Kick-Off Meeting T167
T167 forsees to carry out a Delphi Workshop with all ERRA task leaders on June 18, 2010. The Kick-Off meeting will outline and discuss the action list and division of labour with task partners.
Main steps towards task implementation are (ACTIONS LIST PROPOSAL):
- elaboration of Delphi questionnaire (April)
- comments of questionnaire by partners) (May)
- Delphi workshop implementation (June)
- analysis of outcomes as task report (July/August)
- elaboration of Delphi web tool (including workshop documentation) (April-August)
March 10 - 12, 2010
"Emerging Risks in Industrial Facilities" (ERRA meeting in Ispra)
"Emerging Risks in Industrial Facilities: Representative applications and insights from the iNTeg-Risk project" meeting
on March 10-12, 2010
in Ispra, Italy
On March 10-12, 2010 a 3 day event will be organized by EU-VRi and kindly hosted by the European Commision Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy.
The meeting has the main topic of "Emerging Risks in Industrial Facilities: Representative applications and insights from the iNTeg-Risk project" and will centred on the discussion of the first technical results from ERRAs, as well as on integration workshops and liasoning of SP1 and SP2.
The following points are representing the tentative agenda:
- Overview and discussion about the the status of SP1, SP2
- Review of templates and CEN WA plans; Overview and discussion about SP4
- Presentation and discussion about ERRA group A, B, C and D
- Drawing conclusions from the previous discussion
- Introduction of the ERRA survey results
- Listing critical information
- ERRA integration workshop
- iNTeg-Risk Executive Board meeting
Participation to the meeting is mandatory for all ERRA, Sub-Project and Workpackage Leaders of SP1, for Sub-Project Leaders of SP2 and for the members of the Executive Board. ERRA participants, Workpackage and Task Leaders of SP2 are also welcome.
Organization of the ERRA meeting:
March 8, 2010
WP1.3 preparation for the ERRA meeting in Ispra
WP1.3 preparation for the ERRA meeting in Ispra
Purpose of this teleconference is to update the ERRA leaders on the planning of the meeting and to discuss expected content of the single presentations.
- Review of the Agenda for the Ispra meeting
- Discussion on single presentations (assessment criteria, technical work)
- Task dashboards
Please find the dial-in numbers uploaded to the event dashboard below. The pin-code for accessing the telecon is 912005.
March 5, 2010
Preparation for the ERRA meeting in ISPRA
We have been given a slot at the meeting and can give a presentation of out achievements. We need to decide what to present and how.
March 5, 2010
T1.2.4 internal meeting
Preparation to the ERRA Meeting in Ispra.
March 4, 2010
C3 working meeting. On-line risk monitoring system plan discussion
List of participants:
Last Name
First Name
B. Gyöngyvér
On-line risk monitoring system adaptation possebilities (software and hardware) at HDS Unit
March 3, 2010
T2.5.1 and T2.5.7 coordination
T2.5.1 and T2.5.7 coordination for Template definition
March 3, 2010
Meeting dedicated to ERRA B1 with TÜV Süd
- Review of status ERRA B1
- Discussion on options and alternatives
- Decision TÜV Süd (Leadership?)
- Planning of further actions
- mid-term (end of 2010)
- March 10-12
- Conference in June 2010
- "software" / exploit
March 2, 2010
ERRA C5 Meeting: coordination team and JRC in Stuttgart
Agenda (see brief minutes included)
The participants decided to ask for a formal confirmation from JRC that ARIPAR can be used within iNTeg-Risk project. Addionally some calculated examples should be given as data input to the project. Sergio Contini was contacted during the meeting. An agreement was reached between Sasa and Sergio regarding the demo use of ARIPAR at the March workshop in Ispra, along with its outputs into the Risk Atlas. Lorenzo updated Sasa on the status of the possibility of providing coordinates of Seveso plants to iNTeg-Risk explaining that Michalis will soon provide the document containing those Memebr States that have this information open to the public.
- Status in ERRA C5 and relations to other tasks in SP1 and SP2
The participants reviewed the status of ERRA C5 and clarified the interconnections to other project activities. Ana Lisa will contact vfdb and FTN regarding their new proposals for ERRA C5. Lorenzo updated the group on the confidentiality agreement between JRC and Iberdrola for the blackout data and Micha will also prepare a confidentiality agreement between EU-VRi and Iberdrola for data exchange. Sasa expressed his appreciation that JRC has also taken on board members from Petten. JRC provided data and their sources to the coordination team so that a first simulation demo can be prepared for the workshop in Ispra next week. Sasa welcomed the JRC contribution to the indicator database and highlighted that all sources and ownerships will be acknowledged. Ana Lisa explained that she will discuss this matter with her colleagues in Petten and that the JRC would contribute soon to the database.
- Status in T2.2.6
The participants reviewed the status of T2.2.6 and decided to strenghten the collaboration with the INSPIRE group. Lorenzo will update the action list on th task dashboard accordingly.Sasa informed JRC of the ESA's offer to use their data. As JRC is WP leader of 2.2, it would be an opportunity to take stock of this data for the Risk Atlas.
- Preparation for the Ispra meeting
The participants reviewed the agenda of the meeting in Ispra on March 10-12, 2010. It was decided to start later (at least on the first day) so that the participants will be able to attend in time. Andras will update the agenda for the ERRA C5 presentation.
No further discussions took place due to a meeting that Sasa had to attend at 3 pm.
March 2, 2010
13th Telefonconference
March 1, 2010
Meeting with Eva Lenart - iNTeg Risk Conference
time not confirmed yet
March 1, 2010
WP1.2 ERRA Meeting
WP1.2 ERRA Meeting
"Towards the end of the SP1:
state of advancement of technological - related ERRAs"
Draft Agenda
09.30 Introduction (Rota and/or Derudi)
09.45 T1.2.1 presentation (Lisbona)
10.15 Discussion on T1.2.1 presentation and results
10.30 T1.2.2 presentation (Schneider and/or Balos)
11.00 Discussion on T1.2.2 presentation and results
11.15 T1.2.3 presentation (Lana and/or Zarea)
11.45 Discussion on T1.2.3 presentation and results
12.00 T1.2.4 presentation (Uguccioni and/or Benucci)
12.15 Discussion on T1.2.4 presentation and results
12.30 T1.2.5 presentation (Ingason and/or Wietek)
13.00 Discussion on T1.2.5 presentation and results
13.15 T1.2.6: final considerations and coordination (Cozzani and/or Tugnoli)
Since some people is not allowed to use Skype, the integrisk teleconference tool POWWOWNOW will be used.
To join the teleconference, dial the telphone number (different for each Country) in the list sent you by email and then dial the PIN (that has been also sent you by email).
A pdf copy of your presentation must bu uploaded on the event dashboard before Monday 01 March, 09.00 a.m.
Each participant should download all the pdf files to be able to follow the presentations that will be given by each Task leader.
February 26, 2010
UML of risk
We will do a followup on the powerstation and Hazop.
February 22, 2010
KoM of T2.5.6
T2.5.6 Kick-Off Meeting
as a Teleconference
Draft Agenda
1. Discussion on current description
2. Understanding what shall be done in the scope of T2.5.6 (as presented at WP 2.5 KoM)
3. Deadlines
4. AOB
February 22, 2010
Task Group Teleconference
Aim of meeting:
To describe briefly the progress of work done by each Task member and to agree in next steps to follow in order to fulfil the works required by the project.
1.- Introduction and confirmation of Agenda.
2.- Update on the situation of HG Geo Data Solution and Mavionics.
3.- Progress report on activities
- Slides for the ERRA Teleconference (W.P. 1.2) on 1st March.
4.- Physical meeting, Paris, France
- Arranged by GDF SUEZ: 25th March 2010, 14:00 to 26th March 2010, 12:30.
5.- Any other business.
February 19, 2010
Meeting with SwissRe
Introduction and Welcome
Short presentation of Steinbeis Advanced Risk-Technologies
(A. Jovanovic, D. Balos)
Presentation of VULPET
(Swiss Re)
Possible links to iNTeg-Risk SP4
(A. Jovanovic, D. Balos)
Lunch Break
Planning of the work and possible further development/integration of VULPET in iNTeg-Risk
Location: HdW Turm A
February 19, 2010
Discussion UML power grid model
Telecon with Mikael, Espen and Lorenzo
February 12, 2010
C3 working meeting. On-line monitoring system plan.
List of participants:
Last Name
First Name
B. Gyöngyvér
Completion of ERI and KPI lists.
On-line monitoring system plan (flow-chart) completion.
ERI and KPI list
2nd draft of system plan
February 11, 2010
T2.5.5 KOM
T 2.5.5 Kick-Off Meeting
Date : 02/11/10
Purpose: Draft Agenda V1
1. Approval of the draft Agenda
2. Initial observations from each participant: introduction and expectation(s) regarding T 2.5.5
3. Scope of T 2.5.5
- Understanding of the DoW
- Amendment(s) to the DoW needed?
4. “Table of Contents” of D 2.5.5
- Definition of issues to tackle
- Boundaries and links between issues
5. Work sharing, definition of responsibilities
6. Action plan: time schedule for T 2.5.5
7. AOB
February 11, 2010
C3 working meeting. Completion of State of art report.
List of participants:
Last Name
First Name
B. Gyöngyvér
Checking and completing the Method templates.
Completing the state of art report Method parts.
Report. Title: State-of-art review about available method and tools for on-line risk monitoring
February 10, 2010
C3 working meeting. Exist information systems used in HDS Unit
List of participants:
Last Name
First Name
Discussion about the risk management and information systems used at MOL HDS UNITS.
Data gathering of input and output parameters of the following systems used at MOL:
· PI
· Vibration diagnostic system
List of the input and output (possible KPIs) parameters.
February 5, 2010
Annual Review Meeting iNTeg-Risk
Annual Review Meeting
on February 5 , 2010 at 9:00-17:00
room 9E, SDME building, square de Meeûs, 8,
at European Commission, Brussels
Grant Agreement No.: 213345
Project: Early Recognition, Monitoring, and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology related Risks (iNTeg-Risk)
All SP and WP Leaders of active Sub-Projects and Workpackages in year 1.
DRAFT Agenda
10:00 – 10:15
1. Welcome of the participants (5 min)
2. Review of the:
- Overall objectives of the project
- Role of each partner
(10 min)
10:15 – 12:30
Technical Review
1. Review of the work done to date with comparison to the original description of work, milestones and deliverables
SP1 - 40 min
SP2 - 30 min
SP4 - 20 min
SP5 - 20 min
(2 hours)
2. Summary of the main achievements to date and results
(15 min)
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:00
Plan for using/disseminating knowledge
Implementation of results:
- Actions undertaken to date
- Market situation/prospects/policy framework
- Exploitation/dissemination/valorisation actions
- Management of knowledge/IPR
- Technology implementation plan
14:00 – 14:30
Management aspects
Management of the project:
- Collaboration and interaction
- Administrative and financial aspects with comparison of
financial resources versus original planning
14:30 – 15:00
Description of Work review implementation plan next period (not for final review)
Proposal for the next period:
- Detailed description of work for next period / modification if
15:00 – 15:30
- Quality assessment
- Recommendations
- Reporting
February 4, 2010
Task Group Meeting. Progress
Aim of meeting:
To describe briefly the progress of work done by each Task member and to agree in next steps to follow in order to fulfil the works required by the project.
1.- Introduction and confirmation of Agenda.
2.- Report on general affairs of iNTeg-Risk project:
2.1.- Year 1 report.
2.2.- Request from Coordinator to supply inputs to SP2 and SP4.
3.- Situation of HG Geo Data Solution and Mavionics.
4.- Short progress report:
4.1.- Image recognition task.
4.2.- Other tasks.
5.- How to include work done in project deliverable template:
- Proposals, ideas, need for a physical meeting, ...
6.- Work Package 1.2 Teleconference on 1st March 2010:
- Need to report task progress: 2 or 3 slides by partner needed.
7.- Any other business.
8.- Date next teleconference: 22nd February 2010, 9:00 to 12:00.
February 2, 2010
KoM of T2.5.7
The main goals of task T2.5.7, which are required to assure a proper coordination and quality assurance of WP2.5, will be: 1. to define a proper template (also at a conceptual level) for the Handbook of recommended practices for emerging risks; 2. to organize periodical workshops.
During the KoM that will be held on
the activities required for achieving these results will be discussed and defined.
Draft Agenda
1. Introduction by POLIMI: Task goals and deliverables
2. Introduction by EU-VRI: Task goals and deliverables
3. General discussion
4. Definition of periodic workshop schedule
5. Definition of the road map for template preparation
6. Any other business
February 2, 2010
3rd Task Group meeting of T2.2.4
Dear Partners,
I hereby summons to a work meeting in task 2.2.4 UML of emerging risks.
The purpose of the meeting is:
- Transfer knowledge about Hazop, loops, safeguards, graphical means of today for Hazop
- To discuss the Hazop methodology and possibilities to further model concepts of Hazop in UML.
- How to find practical use of UML-models.
- Coordination of task 2.2.4 with other parts of iNteg-Risk:
- How much can we expect to get from the Erras to tasks in SP2
- Status of the paradigm, framework and vocabulary of WP2.1, T2.2.3 etc
- Coordination with task 1.3.4 in DoW “problem, function and flows will be described in UML”
- The possibility and expected outcome of using the UML like syntax on results from Erra C5
Mikael Ström
January 29, 2010
ERRA C2 telecon SINTEF/Eni
Slide 2
The objectives of the meeting are to:
a) Review the status of the ERRA C2 work
b) Establish ERRA C2 plans for 2010
c) Establish action plans for the next period
January 26, 2010
Kick-off meeting T4.10.2
"To do list" to connect to the telephone conference:
1) Dial one of the numbers from the list below (see separate link)
2) When you are asked to submit the PIN-code: Use PIN code 912005 (This is the PIN code for the iNTeg-Risk project)
3) When you are asked to say your name, do so (you only need to say your first name. When this is done, the other participants that have already been connected will hear "<Your name with your voice> has now joined the meeting"
4)That's it. You are now attending the conference meeting
NB: In case you are the first one to connect to the meeting: Just wait until you hear that more people have joined.
List of phone numbers:
Click here:
If your number is NOT on the list, you may use +49 1803 001 178
January 25, 2010
6th EB meeting as a teleconference: "Review of periodic report"
Review of periodic report
6th EB meeting as a teleconference
DRAFT Agenda
Welcome and objectives of the meeting
Review of the technical periodic report (including 3-month short reporting)
Review of the financial reporting
Preparation of the annual review meeting on Feb. 5, 2010 (
January 22, 2010
Kick-off Meeting of T2.4.4
Kick-off Meeting of T2.4.4: Development of KPIs for policies, regulation and standardization
Preliminary Agenda
- Welcoming and introducing the partners
- Review of DoW and the deliverables and their delivery dates
- Defining responsibilities for the activities and coordination of work
- Proposition of actions
- Work planning
Brief minutes of the meeting
M. Löscher welcomed all participants and ask for short introduction of each participant.
The participants reviewed the DoW for T2.4.4 and defined some contributions that are reflected on the action list on the task dashboard (see
In addition D. Balos (WPL of WP2.4) asked if it would be possible for DNV help making the results of T2.4.4 (and WP2.4) "compatible" with ISRS checklists available.
B. Chin said that this would be very interesting as it could be an aggregation of the origin approach for policies and regulation.
M. Löscher asked the participants to consider contributing to the KPI workshop planned for June 2010 in Stuttgart. He will send the draft concept by e-mail.
M. Löscher closed the meeting.
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In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name. Numbers for Telecon:
- Austria*°: 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
- Belgium°: 070 35 9945 (calls answered in English); 070 35 9994 (calls answered in Dutch); 070 35 9866 (calls answered in French)
- France: 0821 230 749 (calls answered in French); 0821 230 748 (calls answered in English)
- Germany: 01803 001 177 (calls answered in German); 01803 001 178 (calls answered in English);
01570 248 8101 (mobile number)
- Ireland°: 0818 270 007
- Italy*°: 848 391 819 (calls answered in Italian); 848 390 166 (calls answered in English)
- Netherlands°: 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch); 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English)
- Poland*: 0801 003 533 (calls answered in Polish); 0801 003 543 (calls answered in English)
- Spain: 902 881 200 (calls answered in Spanish); 902 885 318 (calls answered in English)
- Sweden°: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English)
- Switzerland: 0848 560 190 (calls answered in English); 0848 560 378 (calls answered in French);
0848 560 347 (calls answered in German); 0848 560 385 (calls answered in Italian)
- UK: 0844 580 0555
- US: 1 712 432 2888
SkypeOut: +44 844 580 0555
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
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January 22, 2010
Kick-off Meeting of T4.10.3
Kick-off Meeting of T4.10.3: Specialist courses for engineers - Risk Assessor, Underwriter
- Welcoming and introducing the partners
- Review of DoW and the deliverables and their delivery dates
- Possible activities in T4.10.3 & T4.10.5
- Defining responsibilities for the activities and coordination of work
- Proposition of actions
- Work planning
Minutes of the meeting
M. Löscher welcomed the participants of today's meeting and presented the agenda.
M. Löscher reviewed the objectives and the description given in the DoW for T4.10.3 and ask for comments and possible more detailed contribuitions from the participants.
- O. Aneziris said that Demokritos will take part in the development of workshops and training courses.
- V. Cozzani (on behalf of CONPRICI) said that UNIBO, UNIPI and CNR will contribute in particular by:
- Development of courses/workshops/tutorials based on "LNG ERRA" results (UNIPI)
- Development of courses/workshops/tutorials based on "NaTech ERRA" results (CNR)
- Contribution and coordination of both activities (UNIBO)
A. Jovanovic added that it would be important to get a clear view of the education concept in iNTeg-Risk project. He proposed to develop a catalogue in terms of education (for professionals and academics). As Steinbeis and the University of Stuttgart are currently working on an educational program, the TSL will provide the participants with a "common package" of training and education activities planned for this task by March/April 2010 (Action 1). This list of offered courses should then be completed by all companies working on this task (Action 2).
M. Löscher added that the participants may also consider contributing to the courses and workshops planned in the conference week of the 2nd iNTeg-Risk Conference in June 2010 in Stuttgart (Action 3).
M. Löscher closed the meeting by saying that he will add the three actions defined to the task dashboard of T4.10.3.
In order to use the screen-sharing mode please follow this link:
and supply the access code: integrisk
Please note: You can enter the screen-sharing only 5 min. before the telecon will start.
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name. Numbers for Telecon:
- Austria*°: 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
- Belgium°: 070 35 9945 (calls answered in English); 070 35 9994 (calls answered in Dutch); 070 35 9866 (calls answered in French)
- France: 0821 230 749 (calls answered in French); 0821 230 748 (calls answered in English)
- Germany: 01803 001 177 (calls answered in German); 01803 001 178 (calls answered in English);
01570 248 8101 (mobile number)
- Ireland°: 0818 270 007
- Italy*°: 848 391 819 (calls answered in Italian); 848 390 166 (calls answered in English)
- Netherlands°: 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch); 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English)
- Poland*: 0801 003 533 (calls answered in Polish); 0801 003 543 (calls answered in English)
- Spain: 902 881 200 (calls answered in Spanish); 902 885 318 (calls answered in English)
- Sweden°: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English)
- Switzerland: 0848 560 190 (calls answered in English); 0848 560 378 (calls answered in French);
0848 560 347 (calls answered in German); 0848 560 385 (calls answered in Italian)
- UK: 0844 580 0555
- US: 1 712 432 2888
SkypeOut: +44 844 580 0555
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
°The dial-in numbers for these countries cannot be dialed internationally. Please continue to use +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
January 22, 2010
Kick-off Meeting of T4.10.5
Kick-off Meeting of T4.10.5: On-the-job training schemes
Preliminary Agenda
- Welcoming and introducing the partners
- Review of DoW and the deliverables and their delivery dates
- Possible activities in T4.10.5
- Defining responsibilities for the activities and coordination of work
- Proposition of actions
- Work planning
In order to use the screen-sharing mode please follow this link:
and supply the access code: integrisk
Please note: You can enter the screen-sharing only 5 min. before the telecon will start.
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name. Numbers for Telecon:
- Austria*°: 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
- Belgium°: 070 35 9945 (calls answered in English); 070 35 9994 (calls answered in Dutch); 070 35 9866 (calls answered in French)
- France: 0821 230 749 (calls answered in French); 0821 230 748 (calls answered in English)
- Germany: 01803 001 177 (calls answered in German); 01803 001 178 (calls answered in English);
01570 248 8101 (mobile number)
- Ireland°: 0818 270 007
- Italy*°: 848 391 819 (calls answered in Italian); 848 390 166 (calls answered in English)
- Netherlands°: 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch); 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English)
- Poland*: 0801 003 533 (calls answered in Polish); 0801 003 543 (calls answered in English)
- Spain: 902 881 200 (calls answered in Spanish); 902 885 318 (calls answered in English)
- Sweden°: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English)
- Switzerland: 0848 560 190 (calls answered in English); 0848 560 378 (calls answered in French);
0848 560 347 (calls answered in German); 0848 560 385 (calls answered in Italian)
- UK: 0844 580 0555
- US: 1 712 432 2888
SkypeOut: +44 844 580 0555
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
°The dial-in numbers for these countries cannot be dialed internationally. Please continue to use +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
January 22, 2010
Telecon on TOC of review report on IRGC Risk Governance Framework and CMMI/OECD/HSE/ECHA
Instructions for teleconference:
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
- Austria*: 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
- Belgium: 070 35 9945 (calls answered in English)
- France: 0821 230 749 (calls answered in French); 0821 230 748 (calls answered in English)
- Germany: 01803 001 177 (calls answered in German); 01803 001 178 (calls answered in English); 01570 248 8101 (mobile number)
- Ireland*: 0818 270 007
- Italy*: 848 390 166 (calls answered in English); 848 391 819 (calls answered in Italian)
- Netherlands: 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English); 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch)
- Spain: 902 885 318 (calls answered in English); 902 881 200 (calls answered in Spanish)
- Sweden: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English)
- Switzerland: 0848 560 190 (calls answered in English)
- UK: 0844 580 0555
- US: 1 712 432 2888
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates). Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 844 580 0555 (calls charged at international rates).
January 17 - 18, 2010
Meeting with Swiss Re in Rüschlikon
January 15, 2010
Kick-Off Meeting of WP2.5
Task leaders of WP2.5 are invited to the teleconference Kick-off Meeting of WP2.5.
January 15, 2010
Discussion about UML of Risk
The purpose of the discussion is to:
- Discuss coordination within WP 2.2
- Results from short survey with other parts of the project regarding approach to Erras, T1.3.4 etc
- Demonstrate results from the evaluation of tools
- Conduct a brainstorming regarding the UML of Risk from the aspects of language
January 14, 2010
Internal meeting on 1st period's reporting
Proposed agenda
- Review of Form Cs
-> Status of IR web-tool?
- Review of (already available) technical reports of EU-VRi/R-Tech/ZIRN (all levels) and distribution of reports and deliverables (!) to be created.
- Check of QUEST/SESAM for electronic submission of technical report.
-> How can we bring in the requested content in easily?
- Next steps
-> Draft version of periodic report for Antonio ready on January 22, 2010?
-> Preparation of EB meeting on January 25, 2010
-> Preparation of Annual Review Meeting on February 5, 2010 (status of registrations?)
January 14, 2010
Teleconference of Committee Members of 2nd iNTeg-Risk Conference
Teleconference of Committee Members of
2nd iNTeg-Risk Conference
January 14, 2010
11:00 - 12:00 AM
- Review of the status of preparation
- Review of the program
- Confirmation/suggestions for the Program Committee and Conference Board
In order to use the screen-sharing mode please follow this link:
and supply the access code: integrisk
Please note: You can enter the screen-sharing only 5 min. before the telecon will start.
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
Austria*°: 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
Belgium°: 070 35 9945
(calls answered in English); 070 35 9994 (calls answered in Dutch); 070 35 9866 (calls answered in French)
France: 0821 230 749 (calls answered in French); 0821 230 748 (calls answered in English)
Germany: 01803 001 177 (calls answered in German); 01803 001 178 (calls answered in English);
01570 248 8101 (mobile number)
Ireland°: 0818 270 007
Italy*°: 848 391 819 (calls answered in Italian); 848 390 166 (calls answered in English)
Netherlands°: 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch); 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English)
- Poland*: 0801 003 533 (calls answered in Polish); 0801 003 543 (calls answered in English)
Spain: 902 881 200 (calls answered in Spanish); 902 885 318 (calls answered in English)
Sweden°: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English)
Switzerland: 0848 560 190 (calls answered in English); 0848 560 378 (calls answered in French);
0848 560 347 (calls answered in German); 0848 560 385 (calls answered in Italian)
UK: 0844 580 0555
US: 1 712 432 2888
SkypeOut: +44 844 580 0555
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
°The dial-in numbers for these countries cannot be dialed internationally. Please continue to use +44 844 580 0555 / +49 1803 001 178 (calls charged at international rates).
Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
January 14, 2010
T221 Follow up conference
Goal - to check the first draft of the template and agree further actions
January 8, 2010
Discussion - presentation preparation about UML of Risk, with Mikael Strom.
- Task definition and end user definition
- What does UML of Risk provide
- Synthesis of approaches
---- IEC 61882
---- Visualization
We have discussed the following:
- Reviewed the presentation. AI: send to Mikael for review and adding slides about pilot in visualized form (instead of pure UML presentation)
- Discussed the approach to create a template (MS-Visio or EA) with stencil as initial prototype, to be presented to ERRAs, for each dimension (T-H-C-R)
- Setup a task group meeting
January 8, 2010
WP 2.6 Kick Off Meeting with all task leaders.
Instructions teleconference:
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
- Austria*: 0820 4000 1502 (calls answered in German); 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
- Belgium: 070 35 9945
- France: 0821 230 749 (calls answered in French); 0821 230 748 (calls answered in English)
- Germany: 01803 001 177 (calls answered in German); 01803 001 178 (calls answered in English); 01570 248 8101 (mobile number)
- Ireland*: 0818 270 007
- Italy*: 848 390 166
- Holland: 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English); 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch)
- Spain*: 902 885 318
- Sweden: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English); 0939 206 6300 (calls answered in Swedish)
- Switzerland: 0848 560 190
- UK: 0844 580 0555
- US: 1 641 715 3715
SkypeOut: +99 03 769 3322 (calls answered in French); +99 03 769 4922 (calls answered in German); +99 03 769 3122 (calls answered in Dutch); +99 03 769 4622 (calls answered in Swedish); +99 03 769 4422 (calls answered in English)
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates). Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates).
December 21, 2009
T2.3.3 teleconf KOM
Teleconf call meeting to assign responsibilities and contributions to the task
December 21, 2009
T2.3.2 telemeeting
To define synergies with T2.3.2 and agree how to proceed
December 18, 2009
Discussion on synchronizing T2.2.4 with the other WP2.2 tasks and ERRA(s)
Teleconference with Espen Kon and Mikael Ström
December 14, 2009
Teleconference on status of Task 2.2.4
Discussion on Task 2.2.4 with Mikael Ström and Lorenzo van Wijk
December 9, 2009
Kick-off meeting of T2.8.1
Will be organized as a WP Kick-off Meeting.
- Review of Dow
- Alignment with T2.2.5
- Setting up an action list
December 9, 2009
Kick-off meeting of T2.8.2
Will be organized as a WP Kick-off Meeting.
- Review of Dow
- Alignment with T2.2.5
- Setting up an action list
December 9, 2009
Kick-off meeting of T2.8.3
Will be organized as a WP Kick-off Meeting.
- Review of Dow
- Alignment with T2.2.5
- Setting up an action list
December 9, 2009
Kick-off meeting of T2.8.4
Will be organized as a WP Kick-off Meeting.
- Review of Dow
- Alignment with T2.2.5
- Setting up an action list
December 7, 2009
Telephone-Conference with R.X. Ruter (CSR workshop)
Telephone-Conference dedicatde to the planning of the CSR workshop in June 2010
Exchange of first ideas regarding the planned and the organisation of the CSR workshop in June 2010.
Foreseen Participants:
Rudolf X. Ruter
Aleksandar Jovanovic
Michael Löscher
December 4, 2009
Internal SINTEF planning meeting
Summary of 2009 and planning of 2010.
December 4, 2009
T2.3.3 2nd Kick Off Meeting
Teleconference call
December 3, 2009
SP2 Executive Board conference call
The next SP2 Executive Board Committee conference call will be held on 3rd December 2009 from 14:30 to 16:30 CET.
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
Austria*: 0820 4000 1502 (calls answered in German); 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
Belgium: 070 35 9945
France: 0826 100 213 (calls answered in French); 0826 100 211 (calls answered in English)
Germany: 01805 006 685 (calls answered in German); 01805 006 683 (calls answered in English)
Ireland*: 0818 270 007
Italy*: 848 390 166
Holland: 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English); 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch)
Spain*: 902 885 318
Sweden: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English); 0939 206 6300 (calls answered in Swedish)
Switzerland: 0848 560 190
UK: 0870 22 333 33
US: 1 641 715 3715
SkypeOut: +99 03 769 3322 (calls answered in French); +99 03 769 4922 (calls answered in German); +99 03 769 3122 (calls answered in Dutch); +99 03 769 4622 (calls answered in Swedish); +99 03 769 4422 (calls answered in English)
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates). Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates).
December 2, 2009
iNTeg-Risk Meeting with Marie-Valentine Florin
HDW, Meeting room K4
December 2, 2009
D2.3.6.2 Internal ZIRN meeting
Revision of TOC for D2.3.6.2
December 1, 2009
10th Open Users' Forum "Technical & Financial Reporting"
10th Open Users Forum
dedicated to
"Technical & financial reporting"
on December 1, 2009 at 13:00-14:00 (CET)
To explain how the iNTeg-Risk web tool will be used for technical and financial reporting.
Preliminary Agenda
- Review of steps and deadlines for this period's reporting
- New restructured "My Report" (Short report, Technical Report, Financial Report)
- How to fill in and submit technical report
- How to fill in and submit financial report
- Questions and answers
December 1, 2009
2009-12-01 ERRA A5 Telephone Conference
ERRA A5 Telephone Conference
10:00 h
November 27, 2009
Safetypedia work plan
Established Safetypedia work plan;
Focused on building Safetypedia contribution work plan from tasks.
November 26, 2009
ERRA A4 - Conference BAM - POLIMI
Skype Conference BAM - POLIMI
02:00 p.m. C.E.T.
Conference Call Agenda:
1. Presentation of results of the experiments already performed by BAM;
2. Discussion of these results and schedule of further experiments;
3. Modeling of the experiments by POLIMI;
4. Use of experimental/modeling results in Chapter 7.3 of the "Blue Book".
November 26, 2009
Specification disscussion of the Safetypedia
Specification discussion for the Safetypedia
November 25, 2009
Annual Reporting Meeting - FINANCIAL REPORT
Annual Reporting Meeting (Day 3)
on November 25, 2009 at 9:00-14:00
Meeting room 2F (second floor), SDME building, square de Meeûs, 8,
at European Commission, Brussels
dedicated to
All SP Leaders, WP Leaders (WPs active in year 1!), Executive Board, Project Coordinator, Management Team and Project Officers.
Please note: Task leaders of major Tasks are very welcome to come,but their presence is not mandatory, unless required so by the SP or WPleaders.
Please find the agenda and information about the venue under "Documents" below.
November 24, 2009
Kick-off Meeting (iNTeg-Risk framework)
Kick-off meeting for T2.1.2 - Definition of the iNTeg-Risk framework
on November 24, 2009 at 17:00-19:00
Proposed Agenda:
- Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
- Contributions of partners
- Setting up an Action List
Detailed information about the venue will follow in the near future.
Note: For non-available participants, we will organize a telephone-conference at the end of the meeting.
November 23, 2009
ERRA C5: Kick-off meeting for Task 1.4.5
ERRA C5: Kick-off meeting for Task 1.4.5
On the 23rd November 2009
From 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm (CET)
At the premises of
Vertretung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Rue Belliard 60-62, B-1040 Bruxelles
Preliminary Agenda:
5:00 pm - 5:15 pm
Welcoming and introducing the partners
5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Revising the DoW and the deliverables and their delivery dates |
6:15 pm - 6:30 pm
Defining responsibilities for the activities and coordination of work |
6:30 pm - 6:45 pm
Revising the preliminary action list available at |
6:45 pm - 7:00 pm
Wrapping up and closing session |
November 23, 2009
10th Open Users' Forum "Technical & Financial Reporting"
10th Open Users Forum
dedicated to
"Technical & financial reporting"
on November 23, 2009 at 11:15-12:15 (CET)
To explain how the iNTeg-Risk web tool will be used for technical and financial reporting.
Preliminary Agenda
- Review of steps and deadlines for this period's reporting
- New restructured "My Report" (Short report, Technical Report, Financial Report)
- How to fill in and submit technical report
- How to fill in and submit financial report
- Questions and answers

November 23 - 24, 2009
iNTeg-Risk Annual Reporting Meeting - TECHNICAL REPORT (day 1 & 2)
Annual Reporting Meeting (Day 1 & 2)
on November 23-24, 2009 at 10:30-17:00
at Representative Baden-Württemberg, Rue Belliard 60-62, B-1040 Brussels
dedicated to
All SP Leaders, WP Leaders (WPs active in year 1!), Executive Board, Project Coordinator and Management Team.
Please note: Task leaders of major Tasks are very welcome to come, but their presence is not mandatory, unless required so by the SP or WP leaders.
Preliminary Agenda (for first two days!)
November 23, 2009
10:00 - 10:30
Registration |
10:30 - 10:45
Welcome and get-together |
10:45 - 11:15
Explanation of the steps and deadlines for financial and technical reporting (Project Coordinator) |
11:15 - 12:15
Presentation on reporting forms on iNTeg-Risk web tool with example of periodic report from WP1.1
(10th Open Users' Forum) |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Preliminary reporting of
- WP1.1 - Common basis (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher)
- WP1.2 - ERRAs Type A (responsible: R. Rota, deputy: V. Cozzani)
15:00 - 15:15
Coffee Break |
15:15 - 17:00 |
Preliminary reporting of
Accompanying event: Kick-off meeting T1.4.5 (ERRA C5)
17:00 – 17:15 |
Welcoming and introducing the partners |
17:15 – 18:15
Revising the DoW and the deliverables and their delivery dates |
18:15 – 18:30
Defining responsibilities for the activities and coordination work |
18:30 – 18:45
Revising the preliminary action list available at |
18:45 – 19:00 |
Wrapping up and closing session |
November 24, 2009
9:00 - 10:30
Preliminary reporting of
- WP2.1 - Paradigm (responsible: V. Cozzani, deputy: F. Santarelli)
- WP2.2 - Guidelines (responsible: B. Debray, deputy: C. Mazri)
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:30
Preliminary reporting of
- WP2.3 - Models and Methods (responsible: F. Bagnoli, deputy: L. De Prisco)
- WP2.4 - KPIs (responsible: D. Baloš, deputy: T. Sakurai)
- WP4.2 - Safetypedia (responsible: E. Kon, deputy: A. Jovanovic)
- WP4.3 - Monitoring Network (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher)
- WP4.8 - 1-Stop-Shop structure (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher)
- WP4.10 - Training, Transfer, Education (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher)
13:30 - 14:00 |
Discussion on WP 2.5, WP2.6, WP2.8 (possible WP Kick-offs) |
14:00 - 15:15 |
Preliminary reporting of
- WP5.1 - Coordination (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher)
- WP5.2 - IT infrastructure (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher)
- WP5.3 - Dissemination (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher)
15:15 - 15:30
Coffee Break |
15:30 - 16:15 |
Preliminary reporting of
- WP1.6 - Integration (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher
- WP1.7 - Verification (responsible: B. Debray, deputy: C. Mazri)
- WP1.3 - ERRA Type B (responsible: A. Jovanovic, deputy: M. Löscher)
- WP1.4 - ERRA Type C (responsible: K. Øien, deputy: I. Bouwer Utne)
- WP1.5 - ERRA Type D (responsible: D. Baloš, deputy: T. Sakurai)
16:45 - 17:00
Next steps and closing of the meeting
Accompanying event: Kick-off meeting T2.1.2 (iNTeg-Risk Framework)
17:00 – 17:30 |
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable) |
17:30 – 17:45
Review minutes of the KOM |
17:45 – 18:15
Contribution of partners |
18:15 – 18:45
Setting up an Action List |
18:45 – 19:00 |
Accompanying event: Kick-off meeting Kick-off meeting T2.1.4
19:00 – 20:00 |
Kick-off meeting Kick-off meeting T2.1.4 |
For the presentations, please go to the Documents section.
November 20, 2009
ERRA A2 meeting
In person meeting for ERRA A2 in Stuttgart
on November 20, 2009
Steinbeis premises, Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19, Meeting room K3
- Introduction of iNTeg-Risk project
- Introduction of ERRA A2
- iNTeg-Risk 1-Stop-Shop
- Discussion on SONAR
November 20, 2009
Kick Off Meeting T2.3.10
Discussion on the contribution of each partner
November 19, 2009
Task T2.3.4 teleconference - Kick-off meeting.
The agenda of the tKOM eleconference will consist in:
Presentation of the objective/DOW
Convergence on the deliverables
Convergencen on each partner contribution
Convergence on action plan and deallines.
November 16, 2009
T221 KOM
Kick Off meeting of task 221. Telephone conference.
Agenda :
- Review of the DOW
- Definition of working process
- Distribution of tasks and responsibilities
- Planning
November 16, 2009
ERRA A3 progress update
Teleconference arranges by GDF SUEZ.
The aim of the teleconference will be to review the Task progress, informing about the UAV flights in France at the end of October, beginning of November, and the initial results of the processing of the images taken during the flights.
November 13, 2009
Kick Off Meeting T2.3.3
Kick Off Meeting T2.3.3
November 13, 2009 / 12:00-13:00
Discussion about the contribution of each partner and possibility to postpone the draft deliverable
November 12, 2009
Telephone-conference with CEA about task report
Telephone-conference with CEA about task report
on November 12, 2009 at 14:30
November 12 - 13, 2009
ERRA 1.2.5 Metro Madrid Meeting
ERRA 1.2.5 Metro Madrid Meeting
Date: 12./13. November 2009
Location: Madrid
Meeting the Safety Manager of the Metro Madrid will offer the opportunity to discuss and validate ERI descriptions of ERRA 1.2.5. A technical visit of critical parts of the infrastructure will harmonize the understanding within ERRA 1.2.5 partners and thus improve the quality of results.
November 10, 2009
Telephone-conference with BT representatives
Dear Micha,
This sounds a very good way forward. A call at 14:00 CET (13:00 GMT) would be fine. I think Paul Kearney, Phillip Hewitt, and myself will join from BT. I would like to offer the use of my conference bridge for this call. The numbers are:
Primary dial-in number: 0870 8506521
Freefone dial-in number: 0800 0121176
Participant Passcode: 12004007 then #
The attached file provides some local dial-in numbers for the conference bridge in case this is useful.
November 10, 2009
Discussion of draft deliverable and proposed index of final deliverable
November 10th, 2009
10:30 CET
Proposed agenda:
1) Discussion of the preliminary index proposed for the final deliverable
2) Discussion of the first draft proposed for the M12 intermediate release of task deliverable
3) Updating of the action plan of the task
4) AOB
The meeting will be a Telecon and the Integrisk POWWOWNOW teleconference facilities will be used.
To connect, dial the telphone number (different for each Country) that was sent to you by e-mail or that is on the POWWOWNOW file that you may download from event documents provided below.
After this, a pin code will be required.
The pin code, which the persons should give when calling in is 912005.
November 9, 2009
Meeting with Coordinator and JRC at Ispra
10.00 – 11:00 Briefing on status work (Michalis Christou, Aleksandar Jovanovic)
11.00 – 11:15 Introduction on FP7 iNTeg-Risk Project (Aleksandar Jovanovic)
11:15 – 11.30 Introduction on INSPIRE (Paul Smit, Alessandro Annoni)
11.30 – 11.45 Overview of the iNTeg-Risk SP4 Risk Atlas and its relevant tasks
(Aleksandar Jovanovic)
11.45 – 12.00 Databases/Institutions/Projects currently using INSPIRE or planning to
use it (Paul Smit, Alessandro Annoni)
12.00 – 12.45 Status of safety related databases such as eMARS and SPIRS (Michalis
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch Piccola Mensa (All)
14.00 – 15.45 Discussion on the practical implementation within iNTeg-Risk of
(Michalis Christou, Paul Smit, Aleksandar Jovanovic):
1. what to look at when applying INSPIRE;
2. availability for iNTeg-Risk NaTech data/structure;
3. availability A2 (reinsurance) data;
4. data on “near misses” provided by BAM;
5. data that the JRC can provide and how;
6. data that the Project can obtain with the assistance of the JRC
and how;
7. possible structure of data;
8. sources and availability of energy data;
9. ERRA C5 methodologies; and
10. viability of datawarehousing / datamarting.
15.45 – 16.00 Tea/Coffee Break
16.00 – 16.45 Plan of further action in year 2 for iNTeg-Risk (Michalis Christou,
Aleksandar Jovanovic)
16.45 – 17.15 To be confirmed: On Life Cycle Assessment (David Pennington)
17.15 – 17.30 Close and leave for airport (All)
November 6, 2009
Kick-off meeting T2.6.6
Kick-off meeting of T2.6.6
- Review of DoW (involved partners etc.)
- Possible activities T2.6.6
- Proposition of actions
- Work planning
November 6, 2009
Internal ZIRN meeting (November 6, 2009 / 12:00-13:15)
- A. Lampke
- P.J. Schweizer
- A. Jovanovic
- M. Löscher
Proposed Agenda
12:00-12.30 Discussion with Agnes on financial issues
12:30-13:15 Next steps in T2.3.6
- Update responsible persons
- Update and review action list
- Plan and discuss action 4 (Provide review-report on IRGC and review paper of CMMI/OECD/HSE/ECHA...)
November 5, 2009
T1.4.3 working meeting
Finishing the technological data of selected unit equipments
Used risk management method and information and data collecting systems
BZF representatives (Péter Rózsahegyi, Emese Bodnár)
MOL representatives (Rudolf Somogyvári)
Place: MOL
November 3, 2009
Update T2.3.9 and draft index
Update of work progress relating to task T2.3.9 and discussion of the draft index of the Integrisk LCA guidelines.
November 3, 2009
2009-11-03_ERRA A5 Telephone Conference
Amberg TC:
Your unique PIN: 517873
November 3, 2009
2009-11-03_ERRA A5 Telephone Conference
Amberg TC:
Your unique PIN: 517873
October 26, 2009
ERRA A4 Progress Meeting
ERRA A4 Progress Meeting
10:00 a.m. C.E.T.
Conference Call Agenda:
1. Progress status of the activity of each participant,
2. ERRA A4 Emerging Risks Issues (ERIs) update,
3. Discussion on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Emerging Risks,
4. Approval of updated Deliverable Index and Action Plan.
October 26 - 30, 2009
UAV flights and image collection in France
Day 1 - Flight path survey
Day 1 - Set up drone for flight mission
Day 2 - One flight of 20 km without targets
Day 3 - Set up targets before flight and collect GPS coordinates & photos
Day 4 - Two flights of 40 km (2 x 20 km return flight) with targets
Day 5 - One flight of 20 km with a plane used for traditional aerial surveillance
October 23, 2009
9th Open User's Forum "ERRA Template"
9th iNTeg-Risk open users' forum
"ERRA Template"
October 23, 2009 at 10:00 (CET)
event will be organized to introduce the ERRA participants to the ERRA template on the collaborative
authoring section within the iNTeg-Risk web tool to enable them working
on collaborative documents for their ERRA deliverables.
Please register by submitting your credentials at registration.
When registered, you will receive further instructions how to participate to this open users' forum at least one day before the forum
October 22, 2009
T 1.2.3 - Teleconference
Mission Planning UAV flights France
October 16, 2009
9th Open User's Forum "ERRA Template"
9th iNTeg-Risk open users' forum
"ERRA Template"
October 16, 2009 at 10:00 (CET)
This event will be organized to introduce the ERRA participants to the ERRA template on the collaborative authoring section within the iNTeg-Risk web tool to enable them working on collaborative documents for their ERRA deliverables.
Agenda :
Please register by submitting your credentials at registration. When registered, you will receive further instructions how to participate to this open users' forum at least one day before the forum .
October 16, 2009
Additional meeting on other contributions
Addtional meeting on contributions of FTN and vfdb for ERRA C5.
Due to limited time during the first telephone-conference for preparation of the kick-off meeting, another meeting for discussion on additional contributions from FTN and vfdb was organized on October 16, 2009. During this meeting the participants agreed, that both partners can be added to the companies already working on C5 with 0 MM. The detailed contributions (see documents uploaded to this Event Dashboard) will be discussed during the kick-off meeting planned for November 23, 2009 in Brussels.
October 15, 2009
Training WP 2.2
WP 2.2 Integration and Common collaborative work guidelines
A meeting on JRC leadership’s responsibility and accountability for WP 2.2 will be held on Thursday 15th of October 2009 from 1:00 pm until 5.00 pm. The venue is Steinbeis-Stiftung, Kienestrasse 37.
Possibly, a 30 minutes teleconference will take place with the SP2 Leaders starting at 1:30 pm.
Minutes of the Meeting:
A. Jovanovic and M. Löscher introduced L. van Wijk form JRC to the duties and responsibilies of WP2.x Leaders using the web tool and the information sent by Valerio Cozzani.
Additionally it was decided in accordance with the Project Coordinator, that due to fact that the contractually change in leadership cannot be implemented before the acceptance of the next amendment to the Grant Agreement by the EC, JRC will take over the leadership after the 1st annual reporting meeting in November. As JRC was not responsible leader for the first year, they cannot report on the status and progress of the work for WP2.2 at this stage. Nevertheless, JRC will try to contact INERIS to be informed about this and ensure a smooth take over of the leadership. The management support team in accordance with the Project Coordinator will inform current WP2.2 leaders and SP2 leaders about this decision.
October 15, 2009
Kick-off T 2.2.6
Kick-Off Meeting for Task 2.2.6 at Stuttgart (D)
T2.2.6: Development of a harmonised platform for exchange of info between accident databases originally designed for different purposes
Dear Partners,
You are kindly invited to join us for the Kick-Off Meeting of Task 2.2.6 which will be held on Thursday 15th of October 2009 from 10:00 am until 12.00 am. The venue is Steinbeis-Stiftung, Kienestrasse 37.
10:00 am– 10:15 am Welcome and introduction of the attendees
10:15 am – 10:45 am Overview of proposed changes to T 2.2.6
10:45 am – 11:30 am Discussion on workplan
11.30 am – 12.00 am Planning and wrap-up
Minutes of the meeting:
JRC's revision of the DoW for T2.2.6 was reviewed. The Coordinator of the project communicated to JRC that the change of the DoW proposed was sent to the SP Leaders after the deadline for submitting requests for modification of the current applicable DoW version and also it had not been reviewed by the Task Force. Therefore, the provided modification request could not been accepted. However the partners decided to take the provided suggestions into account in defining the action plan during this kick-off meeting without changing the task description at this stage.
A. Jovanovic presented the German web page of LUBW, to introduce his ideas on the involvement of INSPIRE. All participants agreed, that the involvement of INSPIRE could be of benefit to the outcome of the task and for the development of Risk Atlas in SP4. Participants agreed on A. Jovanovic's proposal to find an optimum that provides a smooth access and minimum effort for the user to exchange data among different sources. Important input from INSPIRE could be:
- Implementing INSPIRE specifications and guidelines to the iNTeg-Risk Risk Atlas developers with assistance of INSPIRE (also provide a Help Line)
- Contacting organisations already using INSPIRE and investigating whether they are available for sharing data with Risk Atlas in SP4
- Providing access under certain conditions to JRC sample data bases (eMARS, SPIRS, other INSPIRE-based ones?)
Also, it was proposed to contact BARPI and BAM to ask them if they can grant access to their accident database and near-misses database respectively.
The following contributions from partners have been defined:
JRC: Overall coordination of relating INSPIRE with T2.2.6
EU-VRi: Implementation of practical measures and link to IT experts and tool developers in SP4
Detailed action plan has been set up on the Task Dashboard of T2.2.6.
As decided during the EB meeting on October 12, 2009, the SP2 Leaders will be informed about the agreed workplan and action list for T2.2.6.
It was decided to continue the meeting next morning informally, in order to discuss some open issues regrading the contact to INSPIRE responsibles.
October 14, 2009
Tele-conference T1.4.5
Telephone-Conference for preparation of the kick-off meeting for ERRA C5
on October 14, 2009 at 14:30 (CET)
Purpose of the tele-conference: to (a)
introduce the partners and (b) share thoughts on the work for T1.4.5.
Minutes of the tele-conference
1. Iberdola’s role in task C5
- At present Iberdrola has allocated 0.9 m/m to the task, but in the beginning the effort could be slightly increased
- Most of Iberdola’s competencies are in energy safety and security. They deal with energy technology and have been working with nuclear, hydroelectric, gas and coal installations + network studies and projects especially concerning environmental assessment of several small and big utility installations.
- Iberdrola know very well the inter-relationships between the different energy networks and could help in providing the sample case study to be used in task C5
2. Status of task ET.C5.1
- EU-VRi stated that modifications to the description of work cannot be made since the whole process was carried out with all partners and was concluded in September: thus the request for amendment to the contract will soon be with DG RTD. A second amendment cannot be envisaged as possible since the Commission allows a max. of 1 amendments per year to its contracts.
- Since no modifications can be made to the task, EU-Vri asked how much of what was specified in the description is still available since JRC Petten’s situation has changed since the proposal for the task was submitted and it is clear they will not be able to contribute as initially foreseen.
Development of intelligent methodologies and tools to forecast energy price fluctuations, e.g data mining tool
- JRC Petten has neither the data nor the indicators and tool requested to carry out the study. JRC-Ispra should start collecting the data , maybe by contacting other organizations such as EEA in Copenhagen or still Petten if they can provide some input, at least as far as the matrix represented in the figure on page 145 is concerned.
Development of a security of energy supply risk tool
- Again here tool and data are currently not available
3. Solution proposed: Action plan
- EU-VRi suggested to develop only one tool (this could be done by Steibeis) if the JRC provides data, indicators. EU-VRi confides that, being the JRC a supranational body, it has enough authority and respect on European level to get data from various sources to be identified, possibly the EEA or the International Energy Agency. According to EU-VRi, the JRC should be able to find out what can affect energy supply, which can be appropriate indicators, etc.
Action plan
- As mentioned under point 2, a modification to the project description is not possible, but EU-VRi will give its support to an action plan that envisages the creation of only one tool if the following main points and time schedule is agreed:
- JRC will collect relevant data
- JRC will collect relevant indicators
- Steinbeis/EU-VRi will create the tool
- Iberdrola and LEIA will provide a sample industrial case and apply the tool
- Sample data and indicators must be delivered by JRC at the end of 2009
- Real data and indicators must be provided by JRC before end March 2010
- Tool should be ready by June 2010, together with case study
This way the task will be completed according to what stated in the contract. No delay can be allowed since, according to the first comparative analysis, ERRA C5 is the most high-risk one, on the base of the assessed technical risk
4. Kick-off meeting for the task, 23/11/09 @ 17:00
- Since everybody will be at the next reporting meeting on 23-25 November, in Brussels (Permanent representation of Baden-Württemberg premises) and meeting rooms have already been booked, the kick-off meeting can be held on the evening of November 23, from 17:00/17:30 until 19:00
Rules for the Teleconference
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
- Austria*: 0820 4000 1502 (calls answered in German); 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
- Belgium:
           070 35 9945
- France:
           0826 1... (calls answered in French);            0826 100 211 (calls answered in English)
- Germany:
           01805 ... (calls answered in German);            01805 006 683 (calls answered in English)
- Ireland*:
           0818 270 007
- Italy*: 848 390 166
- Holland:
           0870 0... (calls answered in English);            0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch)
- Spain*: 902 885 318
- Sweden:
           0939 2... (calls answered in English);            0939 206 6300 (calls answered in Swedish)
- Switzerland:
           0848 560 190
- UK:
           0870 22 333 33
- US:
           1 641 715 3715
- SkypeOut:
+99 03 769 3322 (calls answered in French); +99 03 769 4922 (calls
answered in German); +99 03 769 3122 (calls answered in Dutch); +99 03
769 4622 (calls answered in Swedish); +99 03 769 4422 (calls answered
in English)
dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from
mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial            +44 870 22 333 33
(calls charged at international rates). Powwownow does not set the cost
of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost
confirmation please contact your network provider.
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial            +44... (calls charged at international rates).
October 14, 2009
9th Open User's Forum "ERRA Template"
9th iNTeg-Risk open users' forum
"ERRA Template"
October 14, 2009 at 10:00 (CET)
event will be organized to introduce the ERRA participants to the ERRA template on the collaborative
authoring section within the iNTeg-Risk web tool to enable them working
on collaborative documents for their ERRA deliverables.
Please register by submitting your credentials at registration.
registered, you will receive further instructions how to participate to
this open users' forum at least one day before the forum
October 13, 2009
Kick-off Meeting as a telecon
Kick-off meeting for
T2.4.2 Development of KPIs for Risk Governance and Communication
(as a telephone-conference)
on October 13, 2009 at 14:00-15:00
Preliminary Agenda
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contributions of partners
Setting up the Action List
Minutes of the Meeting:
A. Jovanovic and M. Löscher welcomed the participants
The participants reviewed the currently applicable description of work and decided to revise it slightly according to new developements in the field of CSR (e.g. GRI relations)
M. Löscher said that JSI has sent some possible contributions upfront to the meeting due to the fact, that they cannot attend today's meeting
participants commented their possible contributions. The result and conclusions of this
discussion can be reviewed in the action list of T2.4.2.
October 12, 2009
5th Executive Board meeting
5th Executive Board meeting
as a telephone-conference
October 12, 2009 at 15:30
Proposed agenda
- Approval of consolidated modification requests for the DoW
- Approval of finished documents/deliverables
- Reporting Meeting in November (preparation of timesheets, project risks etc.)
- WP2.2 - Change in leadership from INERIS to JRC (see minutes of SP2 EB (!)
- T5.1.7 Pre-existing know-how and IPR management -> e.g. what will other tasks get from the ERRAs?
- T5.1.9 Project Risk Management > Survey needed
- WP5.3 Liaisoning/collaboration: IRIS
- ERRA budget issues (mandatory meetings, saving budget for later project periods?)
October 9, 2009
2009-10-09_ERRA A5 Telephone Conference
October 6, 2009
ERRA A4 - Preliminary discussion on ERRA KPIs
ERRA A4 - Preliminary discussion on ERRA KPIs
Internal Skype-conference in preparation to the conference call of all the participants of the ERRA A4
to discuss on ERRA KPIs and on other organizational aspects.
October 5, 2009
ERRA 1.2.3 Teleconference
Update of the ERRA Progress.
Organise by GdF SUEZ
October 5, 2009
Formal Kick-Off
Formal Kick-Off meeting of task 1.2.6
1) revision of DoW;
2) revision of deliverables;
3) attribution of responsibilities;
4) task action plan and deadlines
5) AOB
October 2, 2009
Kick-off meeting including discussion on and approval of dissemination plan
Kick-off meeting including discussion on and approval of dissemination plan
as a telephone conference
on October 2, 2009 at 14:00
Please find the dial in numbers for the teleconference uploaded to the event dashboard under "Documents".
The pin code is
A. Jovanovic welcomed the participants and explained the objective of today's meeting, which is the discussion and the approval of a Dissemination Plan for iNTeg-Risk.
A.J. announced that project should have a Dissemination Manager and that this manager should, in accordance with the Project Coordinator, review and approve dissemination activities requested by partners.
The draft version of the dissemination plan (see document uploaded to this page below) was discussed. This document is foreseen to be updated regularly after approval or non-approval of possible dissemination activities, in order to have currently applicable version that is accessable for all project partners.
A.J. and O. Salvi gave an introduction explaining the objectives and the approach to the dissemination activities for the project (First chapter of the document). It was decided that additional to the mentioned channels of dissemination, national organisations should be included in future dissemination activities.
A.J. explained that it is necessary to have a procedure for approval of the dissemination activities requested by partners of the project. Therefore a first version of such a procedure is included in the document.
It was decided that another table will be added to the document which includes the non-approved dissemination activities (with menaingful reason for non-approval).
M. Löscher added that the activity costs have to be updated, by now this column is empty.
D. Oberhagemann suggested that target groups for iNTeg-Risk related technologies should be added as tick boxes to the Activity Target Group column, to get an overview which target group was covered by what means. The participants agreed on that.
Additionally to the activities listed in "planned" table, D.O. suggested to add an activity dealing with the exchange of logos with other websites, in order to place links for information documents (leaflets) behind these logos. The participants agreed on that.
The participants agreed that they will stay in touch and continously check for possible extensions of activities.
End of the meeting.
October 1, 2009
Meeting iNTeg-Risk Conference June 15-16, 2010
Mandatory for partners-IAB!
iNTeg-Risk Conference June 15-16, 2010 + Workshop June 17, 2009
June, 14 2010 courses
Date Action/Event Comments Persons
Oct. 15 1st Info/Announcement 250-300 words
Call for papers or posters!!!
Ausstellung OFFICIAL: Eva Maria Lenart
Nov. 5 Reminder
Open registration
REAL: ...same procedure as last year sames
Nov. 15 Author application Abstract!
Jan. 15 Prolonged application
Jan. 15 Abstract acceptance info
Feb. 15 2nd info with tentative program
March 1 Deadline early registration
March 15 Paper
(April 15 Prolonged)
June 1 Deadline application participants
(June 10 Prolonged)
September 29, 2009
In-Person Meeting: a step towards the new risk paradigm
1) 9:00: Welcome to participants
2) 9:00 - 9:15: Introduction to the meeting
3) 9:15 - 10:30: Presentations from the participants on background of emerging risk paradigm
4) 10:30 - 11:15: Discussion
5) 11:00 - 11:30: Coffee break
6) 11:30 - 13:00: Introduction of discussion on present and new risk paradigm - brainstorming session
7) 13:00 - 14:00: Lunch
8) 14:00 - 15:00: Discussion on further development of task activities
9) 15:00 - 16:00: Discussion on the organization of first deliverable (Draft report on paradigm)
10) 16:00 - 16:30: Revision of deadline and responsibilities
11) 16:30 - 17:00: AOB; Closure of the meeting
Concerning point 3, each participant is expected to give a short presentation (15 min) on the main background issues on which he has the responsability (see MOM of kick-off meeting). A more precise schedule of presentation will be defined after that all participants will register to meeting.
Department of Chemical Engineering, in via Eudossiana 18, Rome.,+roma,+italy&ie=UTF8&z=14&ll=41.892808,12.49306&spn=0.045874,0.10849&om=1
The location is very near to the main railway station (Roma Termini), where trains from Fiumicino (Leonardo da Vinci) Airport arrive.
Any hotel in the zone of central railway station will be suitable.
The most convenient metro stations are “Cavour” and “Colosseo”. Would you need any other information, contac Roberto Bubbico (
September 24, 2009
Kick off of task 2.3.5 "Development to account uncertainties in itegrated management"
I invite the partners to explicitate during this meeting :
- the details of the work you will perform for the task 2.3.5
- the planning you will follow
The objective is to have a good vision of who does what and for which milestone.
I thank you very much to prepare these elements for the meeting.
Partners will have to call the following number : (33) 1 72 27 35 23 at 9h30.
Anne Dutfoy.
EDF - R&D - France
September 22, 2009
4th iNTeg-Risk Executive Board meeting
4th iNTeg-Risk Executive Board meeting
September 22, 2009 in Brussels
16:30 - 19:00 (CET)
Vertretung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Rue Belliard 60-62, B-1040 Bruxelles
Preliminary Agenda:
16:30 - 16:45
Welcome & Objectives of the meeting
Can we finish earlier (train 18:35 to Paris)? |
16:45 - 17:30
Summary of current results achieved in SP1 (templates T1.1.1 & T1.1.2) and their usability & usefulness in SP2
Can we really compare ERRAs and "extract common knowledge" out of them?
17:30 - 18:15
Discussion on and approval of modification requests presented by the Task Force
18:15 - 18:45
Internal 3 month reporting & preparation for official annual reporting in iNTeg-Risk (December 2009)
Reminders due to poor performance and possible "termination of a beneficiary"
(Generally: what to do with poor performing tasks?)
- NIS - statement and a "remedy plan" available
- Novineon - new problems
- JRC - no response, just promises -> BackUp by vdfb? (see proposal uploaded below)
18:45 - 19:00
- T5.1.7 Pre-existing know-how and IPR management
- WP5.3 Liaisoning/collaboration: IRIS
- T5.1.9 Project Risk Management > Survey needed
- Mail of Dr. Kovacs
- Task Performance Indicators (TPIs)
End of the meeting
September 22, 2009
SP2 Executive Board meeting
SP2 Executive Board meeting
September 22, 2009 in Brussels
14:30 - 16:30 (CET)
Vertretung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Rue Belliard 60-62, B-1040 Bruxelles
Please find the agenda and other event-related document below under "Documents"..
September 22, 2009
Liaisoning meeting SP1 & SP2
Liaisoning meeting for SP1 & SP2
September 22, 2009 in Brussels
13:00 - 14:30 (CET)
Vertretung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Rue Belliard 60-62, B-1040 Bruxelles
Proposed Agenda
Introduction: purposes of this SP1-SP2 liaisonning meeting C. Duval, B. Debray
presentation and collection of data coming from the ERRAs according to the different aims of the iNTeg-Risk project (key innovations, ER description, Risk Management Framework, RM methods,...)
feedbacks coming from the WP2.x leaders
Presentation of the results of T1.6.1 survey on the ERRAs and the results of the Delphi workshop (September 2009, 21th and 22nd) D. Scheer
key innovations, key ER descriptions, data on the covered sides of the IRGC Framework, stakeholders, risk assessment methodologies, risk management options, indicators, risk communication, risk perception...
Feedbacks from the WP2.x and SP2 leaders according to their needs for inputs WP2.x leaders, SP2 leaders
Decisions and conclusions
Invited: SP1 and SP2 leaders and co-leaders, Dirk Scheer, WP1.x for ERRAs from type A to D, WP2.x leaders, Coordinator
September 21 - 22, 2009
"iNTeg-Risk: ERRA Survey Workshop" (Delphi I)
"iNTeg-Risk Survey Workshop" (Delphi I)
This MEMO informs you in brief about key issues and procedures of T1.6.1 and T1.6.7. Both tasks are carried out by ZIRN (University of Stuttgart) and aim at the integration of Topics A, B, C and D (ERRA clusters). While doing so, these tasks play an important role linking ERRA specific knowledge with cross-cutting project issues in following SPs.
Project and Task objectives
§ iNTeg-Risk’s main objective is to improve the management of safety related to emerging risks, i.e. to propose the scientific and technical „state-of-the-art-consensus“ as the basis for the future regulation, standardization, education and the infrastructures.
§ The 17 ERRA case-studies are significant examples of application related to industrial safety in the field of upcoming and promising technologies and policies.
§ Task objectives are to identify
- the state-of-the-art (T1.6.1)
- and future trends (T1.6.7)
of dealing with these emerging risks and elicit cross-cutting risk assessment issues covering all ERRA cases. The task results will provide essential inputs for upcoming project tasks such as ERMF, KPIs, One-Stop-Shop.
§ In detail, task objectives are
- To characterize the perception of emerging risks in the ERRAs,
- To identify concerns and needs of dealing with emerging risk assessment based on ERRAs,
- To determine generic topics based on assessing emerging risk issues (ERis) which have a comprehensive application in all ERRAs.
These specific goals serve for integration and generalization ensuring a holistic approach in emerging risk assessment. The task is a major step towards integration of individual ERRAs and topics and to ensure consensus of the majority of partners and stakeholder groups involved in the subproject.
§ Content: presentation and discussion of survey results
§ Objective: conclusions and input for further iNTeg-Risk SP2
§ Participants: mandatory for ERRA leaders, SP1 leader, WP 1.1 leader, task 1.6.1 members
§ Date: September 21-22, 2009
§ Venue: Brussels, Vertretung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Rue Belliard 60-62, B-1040 Bruxelles
Please contact if needed:
Dirk Scheer (ZIRN)
Tel:           +49 (0)6221-432391
Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn (ZIRN)
September 16, 2009
iNTeg-Risk Meeting with Reto Schneider
- Intro - whera are we today...
- Reto's Excel>> What to take, what have we already
- 1StopShop: see what we have
- Next week BRU
- AoB
Plan of Work A2/1 stop-shop
September 21-22., 2009:
- Inputs of September 16, 2009 --> 1 StopShop-items
(As much as possible) Has to be done by DANIEL.
- First Draft Spec for A2/1 StopShop (Structure & Functionality!) --> include some example of notions, weak signals, etc. ...Evidence of Threat (EVIT)
Has to be done by SASA + ANDRAS.
- Flowchart - How to use?
There must be a sample case but not an exhaustive one.
Has to be done by RETO.
- Presentation by ALL.
- Question of agreement & draft.
September 24-25, 2009
- Draft paper JRA (Journal of Risk R.): 1st draft to Reto Schn. and JRA, 2nd draft to Sasa from Reto and to JRA from Sasa
November 11, 2009 10.30 a.m. in Stuttgart
1st release Software = Meeting A2
ERRAs (min. 2 out of 16 ERRAs), ERis (min. 2 out of 3 ERRAs), EVITs --> on Reto's memory stick
- Rnd. report ("Risk Sparc")
- Spec. for text mining with NetBreeze (RETO) Meeting?
December 10, 2009
- Graphs as in current Excel (e.g. PoF&CoF)
- 1st level data analysis:
- statistical
- graphical
- "data mining" spec.
~February 2010
September 11, 2009
Meeting with INERIS
Meeting with INERIS to discuss workplan and to exchange technical information regarding the task.
September 3, 2009
ERRA C3 meeting
Meeting at MOL on the pilot system planning
BZF representatives
MOL representatives
August 28, 2009
Executive board SP1 [from 10 to 12 am]
Dear SP1 WP leaders,
Mures and I think it would be good to have a
SP1 executive board (SP and WP leaders) meeting before the end of the
summer. We propose to organise it by telephone conference on the 28th
of August, from 10:00 to 12:00.
Objective of the meeting :
- overview of the SP1 and ERRA progress
- identification of problems
- information about the task force for the revision of DOW
- preparation of the 21 and 22nd of september delphi workshops
Please register soon in the web tool for this meeting or let me know quickly if you have big problems with the date.
Best regards
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or
the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will
have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
* Austria*: 0820 4000 1502 (calls answered in German); 0820 4000
1503 (calls answered in English)
* Belgium: 070 35 9945
* France: 0826 100 213 (calls answered in French); 0826 100 211
(calls answered in English)
* Germany: 01805 006 685 (calls answered in German); 01805 006
(calls answered in English)
* Ireland*: 0818 270 007
* Italy*: 848 390 166
* Holland: 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English); 0870 001 909
(calls answered in Dutch)
* Spain*: 902 885 318
* Sweden: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English); 0939 206
(calls answered in Swedish)
* Switzerland: 0848 560 190
* UK: 0870 22 333 33
* US:            1 641 715 3715
* SkypeOut: +99 03 769 3322 (calls answered in French); +99 03
4922 (calls answered in German); +99 03 769 3122 (calls answered in
Dutch); +99 03 769 4622 (calls answered in Swedish); +99 03 769 4422
(calls answered in English)
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use
mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial
           +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates). Powwownow does
set the cost of calls * some networks may vary from these prices *
for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please
dial            +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates).
August 25, 2009
Kick Off Meeting T2.3.1
Kick Off wil be held through a teleconference.
Details on how to join the teleconference will be published one week before the date (on 17th of August).
On the same date a reference document will be uploaded.
August 17, 2009
Post-Kick-Off-Meeting for T2.4.6 as a telecon
Post-Kick-Off-Meeting for Tasks
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation
– from site specific to industry wide
on August 17, 2009 on 14:00 as a teleconference
Objective of this meeting is to inform the participants of the above mentioned tasks who were not present at the kick-off about the kick-off meeting of July 22, 2009.
14:00 - 15:00
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Review minutes of the KOM
Contributions of partners
Updating the Action List
15:00 - 16:00
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Review minutes of the KOM
Contributions of partners
Updating the Action List
Short Minutes from the kick-off meeting
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
A. Jovanovic and D. Balos welcomed all participants
C. Duval asked if it might be possible to shift some MM of EDF from T2.4.4 to T2.4.1.
Jovanovic answered that it might be a good idea to merge some of the
tasks that are related that closely (like the KPI tasks in WP2.4)
Jovanovic starts the discussion on the contributions of the partners
with a general comment. He expressed that iNTeg-Risk is dealing with
Emerging Risks and therefore in this task the participants should
create a guideline and develop/use a database with examples for KPIs
for Emerging Risks. KPIs and examples in this database should be
available for the owners and the ones that the owner would like to give
access to only.
participants were asked to comment their contributions already written
down in the description of the task. The result and conclusions of this
discussion can be reviewed in the action list of T2.4.1.
was decided that the partners who not attended this kick-off meeting
and have not expressed their contributions to the work on the task
(TUKE, TU Crete)
will receive a general reminder.
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
Due to the fact that DNV as one of the 3 partners working on this task was not able to participate in this meeting
, it was decided to discuss the further work on this task in the post-kick-off meeting on August 17, 2009.
Short Minutes from the post kick-off meeting
Michael Löscher welcomed the participants and gave a review about the discussions of the kick-off meeting
The action-list was presented and discussed by the participants
INERIS will contribute to the following action items
Main theoretical problems and methodologies for Safety Indicators
Proposal of a method to build efficient technological KPIs
TU Crete will contribute by reviewing and commenting the structure of the database and the documents that will be prepared for the guideline
It was suggested by Chabane Mazri that this task and all the tasks in 2.4 should be aligned with T1.5.1. Therefore a KPI-tasks meeting would be a good idea
The participants highly welcomed this suggestion. EU-VRi will contact all participants of the respective tasks and will organize such a meeting by the end of 2009.
Due to the not attending of DNV as one of the major participants of 2.4.1 & 2.4.6 the meeting was closed without having their contribution fixed and without hearing their opinion on the established work plan. EU-VRi will contact DNV and remind them about their responsibilities.
August 7, 2009
iNTeg-Risk Kick-Off Meeting Task 1.3.1 ERRA B1
Dear Project Partners,
Please find enclosed the agenda for the Kick-Off Meeting in Stuttgart
- Welcome and Introduction of partners
- Scope of the action item, discussion of status of activities (all)
- Presentation of medical background (novineon)
- Presentation of experimental approach to the assessment labour-stress related risk factors in complex biomedical manufacturing procedures (focus: nano-Technology)
- Discussion and planning of the sequence of actions
The meeting will take place at
Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology
Filderhauptstraße 142
70599 Stuttgart
Telephone: +49 711 451001-0 Telefax: +49 711 451001-45
Following the above given link you will find a map that shows the way to SIMT Stuttgart. In addition, please let us know if you need help in any organisational matters. We are always happy to assist. My telephone number is +49 7071 7704514 or e-mail address
The way to the conference room will be tagged so it should be easy to find for all our guests.
We are looking forward to the Kick-off Meeting in Stuttgart on August 7th 2009.
Kind regards,
July 23, 2009
Kick-off Meeting as a telecon
Kick-off meeting for Task 2.3.6
Development of models and methods for governance and communication of emerging risks (Extending and adapting IRGC for the needs of iNTeg-Risk) Development of approach to environmental impact assessment and licensing
July 23, 2009, 10:00-11:00, Teleconference
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contributions of partners
Setting up an Action List
Short Minutes from the meeting
A. Jovanovic welcomed all participants
The group reviewed the description of work for this task.
participants were asked to comment their contributions already written
down in the description of the task. The result and conclusions of this
discussion can be reviewed in the action list of T2.3.6.
As DNV is mentioned in the DoW but is not listed as a partner with MM in this task, it will be discussed with DNV representatives on August 17, 2009 (Post-Kick off meeting for T2.4.1 & T2.4.6
) if there will be a contribution from their side and what this contribution could be all about.
The need for a template for reports in SP2 was expressed by the participants. M. Löscher will send an e-mail with an request for such a template to the responsible persons in SP2.
The meeting was closed.
July 22, 2009
Joint kick-off meeting for T2.4.1 (Telecon)
Joint kick-off meeting for Tasks
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
July 22, 2009, 10:00-13:00, Teleconference
10:00 - 11:00
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
11:00 - 12:00
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
12:00 - 13:00
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
Short Minutes from the meeting
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
A. Jovanovic and D. Balos welcomed all participants
C. Duval asked if it might be possible to shift some MM of EDF from T2.4.4 to T2.4.1.
A. Jovanovic answered that it might be a good idea to merge some of the tasks that are related that closely (like the KPI tasks in WP2.4)
A. Jovanovic starts the discussion on the contributions of the partners with a general comment. He expressed that iNTeg-Risk is dealing with Emerging Risks and therefore in this task the participants should create a guideline and develop/use a database with examples for KPIs for Emerging Risks. KPIs and examples in this database should be available for the owners and the ones that the owner would like to give access to only.
The participants were asked to comment their contributions already written down in the description of the task. The result and conclusions of this discussion can be reviewed in the action list of T2.4.1.
It was decided that the partners who not attended this kick-off meeting and have not expressed their contributions to the work on the task
(TUKE, TU Crete)
will receive a general reminder.
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
In the kick-off meeting for T2.4.5 it was decided that the work should be closely aligned to the work of T2.4.1. For the work on alternative KPIs the results and outcomes of T2.4.1 is needed. This is expressed also in the action list of this task.
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
Due to the fact that DNV as one of the 3 partners working on this task was not able to participate in this meeting
, it was decided to discuss the further work on this task in the post-kick-off meeting on August 17, 2009.
July 22, 2009
Joint kick-off meeting for T2.4.5 (Telecon)
Joint kick-off meeting for Tasks
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
July 22, 2009, 10:00-13:00, Teleconference
10:00 - 11:00
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
11:00 - 12:00
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
12:00 - 13:00
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
Short Minutes from the meeting
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
A. Jovanovic and D. Balos welcomed all participants
C. Duval asked if it might be possible to shift some MM of EDF from T2.4.4 to T2.4.1.
Jovanovic answered that it might be a good idea to merge some of the
tasks that are related that closely (like the KPI tasks in WP2.4)
Jovanovic starts the discussion on the contributions of the partners
with a general comment. He expressed that iNTeg-Risk is dealing with
Emerging Risks and therefore in this task the participants should
create a guideline and develop/use a database with examples for KPIs
for Emerging Risks. KPIs and examples in this database should be
available for the owners and the ones that the owner would like to give
access to only.
participants were asked to comment their contributions already written
down in the description of the task. The result and conclusions of this
discussion can be reviewed in the action list of T2.4.1.
was decided that the partners who not attended this kick-off meeting
and have not expressed their contributions to the work on the task
(TUKE, TU Crete)
will receive a general reminder.
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
the kick-off meeting for T2.4.5 it was decided that the work should be
closely aligned to the work of T2.4.1. For the work on alternative KPIs
the results and outcomes of T2.4.1 is needed. This is expressed also in
the action list of this task.
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
Due to the fact that DNV as one of the 3 partners working on this task was not able to participate in this meeting
, it was decided to discuss the further work on this task in the post-kick-off meeting on August 17, 2009.
July 22, 2009
Joint kick-off meeting for T2.4.6 (Telecon)
Joint kick-off meeting for Tasks
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
July 22, 2009, 10:00-13:00, Teleconference
10:00 - 11:00
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
11:00 - 12:00
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
12:00 - 13:00
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
Contribution of partners
Setting up an Action List
Short Minutes from the meeting
T2.4.1 - Development of KPIs for Technology
A. Jovanovic and D. Balos welcomed all participants
C. Duval asked if it might be possible to shift some MM of EDF from T2.4.4 to T2.4.1.
Jovanovic answered that it might be a good idea to merge some of the
tasks that are related that closely (like the KPI tasks in WP2.4)
Jovanovic starts the discussion on the contributions of the partners
with a general comment. He expressed that iNTeg-Risk is dealing with
Emerging Risks and therefore in this task the participants should
create a guideline and develop/use a database with examples for KPIs
for Emerging Risks. KPIs and examples in this database should be
available for the owners and the ones that the owner would like to give
access to only.
participants were asked to comment their contributions already written
down in the description of the task. The result and conclusions of this
discussion can be reviewed in the action list of T2.4.1.
was decided that the partners who not attended this kick-off meeting
and have not expressed their contributions to the work on the task
(TUKE, TU Crete)
will receive a general reminder.
T2.4.5 - Methods for building alternative KPIs
the kick-off meeting for T2.4.5 it was decided that the work should be
closely aligned to the work of T2.4.1. For the work on alternative KPIs
the results and outcomes of T2.4.1 is needed. This is expressed also in
the action list of this task.
T2.4.6 - Structuring KPIs at different level of aggregation – from site specific to industry wide
Due to the fact that DNV as one of the 3 partners working on this task was not able to participate in this meeting
, it was decided to discuss the further work on this task in the post-kick-off meeting on August 17, 2009.
July 21, 2009
Kick-off Meeting
Kick-off meeting for Task 2.2.5
Principles of Basel II for Emerging Risks
July 21, 2009, 9:00-10:00, HdW, Stuttgart
- Review of the Description of Work (Task & Deliverable)
- Contribution of partners
- Preparing Action List
Minutes of the meeting:
- D. Balos welcomed all participants of the KOM
- The participants of the meeting discussed Basel II requirements - in particular Pillars and rating systems.
- Additionally D. Balos gave an overview of running activities in the Basel committee especially regarding the financial crisis 2008/2009.
- D. Balos pointed out that this task should focus on what is needed additionally for emerging risks. The participants agreed that ideas and a viable rating system are needed.
- It was suggested to perform/organize a survey or a workshop, after having an objective view on the financial crisis.
- First actions have been defined, which can be reviewed on the action list of the Task Dashboard for T2.2.6. This plan will be elaborated year by year, as the task duration is very long - until month 42.
- D. Balos closed the kick-off meeting.
July 20, 2009
Telecon for organization of meetings on Sept. 21+22, 2009
Telecon to discuss agenda and other issue regarding the Brussels meetings
July 9, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA D2 (López de Ipiña, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
July 6, 2009
9th iNTeg-Risk Open Users' Forum "Organizing events & uploading documents"
9th iNTeg-Risk open users' forum
"Organizing events & uploading documents"
July 6, 2009 at 10:00 (CET)
This event will be organized to help
users in organizing events, dealing with registrations and uploading
documents to the web tool of iNTeg-Risk.
How to create and edit events
Dealing with registrations
After an event (e.g. attaching minutes to event etc.)
Uploading documents (events and tasks)
Please register by submitting your credentials at registration.
When registered, you will receive further instructions how to participate to this open users' forum
July 6 - 17, 2009
5th Virtual Conference on Innovative Production Machines and Systems, IPROMS 2009
The Network of Excellence for Innovative Production Machines and Systems, I*PROMS, ( funded by the EU's FP6 programme and co-ordinated by the Manufacturing Engineering Centre, MEC (, Cardiff University, will hold the
5th Virtual Conference on Innovative Production Machines and Systems, IPROMS 2009
on 6th -17th July 2009.
Important Dates:
Full paper (6 pages) deadline - 30 March 2009
Acceptance notification Early - Mid May 2009
Final Camera-ready Paper (6 pages) deadline - 1 June 2009
July 3, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA A3 (Zarea, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
July 2, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA A1 &C4 (Cusco, Lisbona, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
July 1, 2009
Internal ZIRN meeting (July 1, 2009)
Internal ZIRN meeting
to discuss several topics related to iNTeg-Risk and the framework in particular.
Jour fix & IRGC Briefing
on July 1, 2009 at 13:00 in Stuttgart (Seidenstrasse 36)
July 1, 2009
ZIRN_internal Working Meeting III (T1.6.1)
Internal Meeting to discuss upcoming ZIRN related worksteps and work sharing
- Ortwin Renn
- Sasa Jovanovic
- Michael Loescher
- Pia Schweizer
- Dirk Scheer
July 1, 2009
SP2 Executive Board Committee conference call
SP2 Executive Board Committee conference call
July, 1 2009 at 10:00 CET
Feedback from the QMS meeting with the EC of 13 May (Eu-Vri)
Feedback from the 1st annual conference (Eu-Vri)
Feedback from the General Assembly (Eu-Vri)
Decisions and conclusions of the project EB of 24 June (C. Duval)
SP1/SP2 liaisonning (C. Duval)
WP2.2 leadership (C. Duval)
Tasks updates: for all tasks, for tasks with kick-off before and of June, DoW amendments (C. Duval with all)
Please register by submitting your credentials at registration.
Please find instructions how to participate hereafter:
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
Austria*: 0820 4000 1502 (calls answered in German); 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
Belgium: 070 35 9945
France: 0826 100 213 (calls answered in French); 0826 100 211 (calls answered in English)
Germany: 01805 006 685 (calls answered in German); 01805 006 683 (calls answered in English)
Ireland*: 0818 270 007
Italy*: 848 390 166
Holland: 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English); 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch)
Spain*: 902 885 318
Sweden: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English); 0939 206 6300 (calls answered in Swedish)
Switzerland: 0848 560 190
UK: 0870 22 333 33
US: 1 641 715 3715
SkypeOut: +99 03 769 3322 (calls answered in French); +99 03 769 4922 (calls answered in German); +99 03 769 3122 (calls answered in Dutch); +99 03 769 4622 (calls answered in Swedish); +99 03 769 4422 (calls answered in English)
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates). Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates).
July 1, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA A2 (Schneider, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
July 1, 2009
ZIRN_internal Working Meeting III (T1.6.7)
Internal Meeting to discuss upcoming ZIRN related worksteps and work sharing
- Ortwin Renn
- Sasa Jovanovic
- Michael Loescher
- Pia Schweizer
- Dirk Scheer
July 1, 2009
ZIRN_internal Working Meeting III (T2.3.7)
Internal Meeting to discuss upcoming ZIRN related worksteps and work sharing
- Ortwin Renn
- Sasa Jovanovic
- Michael Loescher
- Pia Schweizer
- Dirk Scheer
June 30, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA C3 (Lenkey, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 30, 2009
ERRA C3 working meeting
Internal working meeting on ERRA C3. Participants: Lenkey(BZF), Jovanovic(R-Tech), D. Balos (R-Tech)
June 30, 2009
T2.2.4 Kick-off meeting
Kick-off meeting for Task 2.2.4
UML of Emerging Risks - general principles (Emerging Risk Management) and IT aspects
on June 30, 2009
at 9:00-12:00
HdW, Willi-Bleicher-Strasse 19, 3rd floor, room K1, Stuttgart, Germany
The meeting will be organized as a physical meeting with additional teleconference .
Preliminary Agenda:
- Welcome to the meeting
- Introduction of everybody “around the table”
- Personal field of expertise
- Involvement in other tasks
- Presentation of work plan and work flow diagram
- Strategy
- Priorities
- Assignments of work to participants
- Meetings
- Comments on the work plan
- Modelling tool
- Next meeting
- End of meeting
In order to use the screen-sharing mode please follow this link:
and supply the access code: integrisk
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
• Austria*: 0820 4000 1502 (calls answered in German); 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
• Belgium: 070 35 9945
• France: 0826 100 213 (calls answered in French); 0826 100 211 (calls answered in English)
• Germany: 01805 006 685 (calls answered in German); 01805 006 683 (calls answered in English)
• Ireland*: 0818 270 007
• Italy*: 848 390 166
• Holland: 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English); 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch)
• Spain*: 902 885 318
• Sweden: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English); 0939 206 6300 (calls answered in Swedish)
• Switzerland: 0848 560 190
• UK: 0870 22 333 33
• US: 1 641 715 3715
• SkypeOut: +99 03 769 3322 (calls answered in French); +99 03 769 4922 (calls answered in German); +99 03 769 3122 (calls answered in Dutch); +99 03 769 4622 (calls answered in Swedish); +99 03 769 4422 (calls answered in English)
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates). Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates)
June 29, 2009
T2.3.2 Telemeeting: planning for the first milestone
The preliminary agenda:
1) Discussion on Dow - what do we really mean to do here?
2) Discussion on Deliverables and delivery dates, especially the first milestone
3) Organisation of work and attribution of responsibles for the first milestone
4) Discussion of the kick-off meeting, its timing and possible contemporary to other known project events
Rules for the Teleconference:
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference, then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
Austria*: 0820 4000 1502 (calls answered in German); 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
Belgium: 070 35 9945
France: 0826 100 213 (calls answered in French); 0826 100 211 (calls answered in English)
Germany: 01805 006 685 (calls answered in German); 01805 006 683 (calls answered in English)
Ireland*: 0818 270 007
Italy*: 848 390 166
Holland: 0870 001 901 (calls answered in English); 0870 001 909 (calls answered in Dutch)
Spain*: 902 885 318
Sweden: 0939 206 6400 (calls answered in English); 0939 206 6300 (calls answered in Swedish)
Switzerland: 0848 560 190
UK: 0870 22 333 33
US: 1 641 715 3715
SkypeOut: +99 03 769 3322 (calls answered in French); +99 03 769 4922 (calls answered in German); +99 03 769 3122 (calls answered in Dutch); +99 03 769 4622 (calls answered in Swedish); +99 03 769 4422 (calls answered in English)
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates). Powwownow does not set the cost of calls – some networks may vary from these prices – for cost confirmation please contact your network provider.
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates).
June 29, 2009
Kick-off Meeting for SP4 and the first lot of tasks (June 29, 2009)
Kick-off meeting for SP4 and the first lot of tasks
MANAGEMENT OF EMERGING RISKS: iNTeg-Risk integrated EU solution, the “iNTeg-Risk One-stop Shop for solutions addressing emerging risks
The kick-off meeting for Subproject 4 and the first lot of tasks will take place
in Stuttgart
Steinbeis-Stiftung, Kienestrasse 37, Conferencing-Room K5
on June 29, 2009
Apart from the kick-off meeting of Subproject 4, the following 6 tasks of SP4 will also have their kick-off meeting:
- T4.2.1 Development of basic IT Safetypedia structure and boundaries
(Responsible: EKON)
- T4.3.1 Inventory of models for integration of KPIs and Risk-observatory for OSH Risks
(Responsible: HSE)
- T4.3.3 Management office of the Risk Monitoring System - Sentinels repository
(Responsible: EU-VRi)
- T4.8.6 Integration, scientific coordination and quality assurance in SP4
(Responsible: EU-VRi)
- T4.10.1 Training infrastructure for professional educations
(Responsible: R-Tech)
- T4.10.7 Example of content : development of the Nanomaterial risk training website
(Responsible: CEA)
Preliminary agenda
10:00 - 10:30 Welcome and roll-call of the participants
10:30 - 12:00 Overview of SP4
12:00 - 13:00 Overview of T4.2.1, T4.3.1 and T4.3.3,
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 Overview of T4.8.6, T4.10.1 and T4.10.7
15:00 - 16:00 Plenary discussion and planning
Please register by submitting your credentials at registration.
June 26, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA C2 (Øien, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 24, 2009
3rd Executive Board Meeting (as a telecon) (June 24, 2009, 10:00 am)
3rd Executive Board meeting
on June 24, 2009 at 10:00
Objectives: Discuss issues that have been raised at the General Assembly
This meeting will be organized as a teleconference.
Preliminary Agenda:
1. Roll Call
2. Review of Task Force Decision from last meeting
3. 3 month reporting for months 4-6
4. AOB
Minutes from the meeting:
1. Roll Call
Mr. Jovanovic opened the 3rd Executive Board meeting
and welcomed all participants.
It was decided to put 2 additional items to the agenda under point 4 (AOB). These items are
- the issue of the proposed leadership for WP 2.2
- Kick-off of SP4 on June 29, 2009 in Stuttgart
2. Review of Task Force Decision from last meeting
Ms. Duval was asked to explain EDF's concerns about the Task-Force decision from the last EB meeting in Brussels.
She explained that from her point of view the decision was not made in the official meeting, but afterwards. T
he major concern is that ther
e is no involvement of WP-Leaders foreseen in the work of the Task Force
. SP2 Leaders have already asked for an update of the DoW involving the WP-Leaders. This should be the taken into account also for the work of the Task Force.
Mr. Jovanovic answerwed that if there is the impression that this decision was not an official one made during the EB meeting, then the EB should try to make an official decision on this topic today. Taking into account the suggestions from Ms. Duval, the decision of the last EB meeting should then be modified.
Mr. Jovanovic asked the participants to give their opinion about the involvement of the WP-Leaders.
Mr. Cozzani said that he would not like to see all WP-Leaders involved in this, but only the most reliable and most active ones.
Mr. Schneider and Mr. Salvi agreed on this.
Ms. Lenkey said that it would be better to ask the WP-Leaders for their opinion instead of involving them directly into the work of the TF.
Mr. Jovanovic agreed on this and pointed out that this partly involvement of WP-Leaders will be a good solution for the sake of efficency.
Mr. Jovanovic conluded by saying that the Task Force must ensure that the WP-Leaders will be informed and asked for their opinion. The SP-Leaders will be asked to nominate the to be involved WP-Leaders for this procedure. All present members of the EB agreed on this.
Mr. Debray suggested that the management team should provide the members of the Task Force with a clear calendar and a role definition of the involved persons.
Mr. Löscher presented the action plan that was decided on May 13, 2009 in Brussels. The
Task Force members will receive this
information in the next couple of days together with the role definition of each person. The action plan is the following:
By end of June all Task Leaders will be asked for possible modification requests of the DoW.
These request will be checked by the Task Force (will these changes affect the budget or the final deliverable?) and have to be accepted by September 15, 2009.
The Task Force will propose the accepted modifications to the EB by September 23, 2009. The Executive Board will then discuss the modification requests in the meeting in Brussels.
Ms. Lenkey suggested to involve also SP3-Leaders in this Task Force.
3 month reporting for months 4-6
It was decided that the non-responders will receive an official reminder to report on the progress of their tasks.
4. AOB
Leadership of WP 2.2
Mr. Cozzani pointed out that the problem should be solved upfront to the next EB meeting.
Ms. Duval said that this topic is part of the agenda of the next SP2 EB meeting next week and should be discussed there.
It was decided that the SP2 EB will come up with a interim solution that is valid until September 23, when the Executive Board will make a decision for a permanant solution.
The members of the EB were reminded that the kick-off meeting of SP4 will be on June 29, 2009.
Mr. Jovanovic added that there are some tasks (e.g. T1.1.1, T1.1.2, T1.1.3) that are still open and therefore the ending of the tasks will be fomally prolonged to October 31, 2009. All present members of the EB agreed on this.
Mr. Jovanovic closed the meeting and
thanked all members of the EB for the fruitful discussion.
June 23, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA B3 (Trebicki, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 23, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA D1 (Hansen, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 23, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA A5 (Wietek, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 23 - 26, 2009
UAV Flights in Zaragoza, Spain
First UAV flights campaign on a gas pipeline in Spain.
- 23rd June: Inspection of foreseen flight zone: take off and landing places.
- 24th June: Test flights to check UAV behavior, camera adjustment, coordinates of right of way of pipeline.
- 25th June: Flights in selected area
- 26th June: Debriefing meeting to check the initial results of the tests.
June 22, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA A4 (Uguccioni, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 22, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA B2 (Krause, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 22, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA D4 (Bos, Scheer)
Eliciting the "state-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 17, 2009
Telephone Interview ERRA B1 (Rieber, Scheer)
Eliciting the "State-of-the-art in dealing with emerging risks in ERRAs"
June 12, 2009
2009-06-12_ERRA A5 Telephone Conference
TC to discuss results of the 1st iNTeg-Risk Conference and the following workshop on KPIs.
June 11, 2009
T1.3.2 B2:Next telephone conference
Next telephone conference on ERRA B2: Use of template for B2 deliverables.
Telcon will be held using skype.
Please send skype name tol ulrich.krause020159, if not already done.
June 10, 2009
iNTeg-Risk open users' forum: "Collaborative Documents" - Alternative meeting (June 10, 2009, 10:00)
8th iNTeg-Risk open users' forum
"Collaborative Documents" (Alternative meeting)
June 10, 2009 at 10:00 (CET)
event will be organized to introduce the users to the collaborative
authoring section within the iNTeg-Risk web tool to enable them working
on collaborative documents for their task deliverables.
The benefit of Collaborative Authoring (edit history, version control, user rights)
How to access the Collaborative Documents
Editing the Collaborative Document (user manual available)
Comments to the Collaborative Document
Please register by submitting your credentials at registration.
When registered, you will receive further instructions how to participate to this open users' forum
June 4, 2009
T2.2.4 preparation meeting
T2.2.4 preparation meeting
- Review of DoW
- Date of Kick-off
- Workplan
- Presentation of UML (M. Ström)
June 4, 2009
1st iNTeg-Risk General Assembly in Stuttgart (June 4, 2009) - mandatory for iNTeg-Risk partners
1st iNTeg-Risk General Assembly
June 4, 2009, Stuttgart (16:00-18:00 p.m.)
Haus der Wirtschaft
Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19
70174 Stuttgart, Germany

Preliminary Agenda
NOTE: Only "main beneficiaries" in the project are contractually obliged to be present or legally represented at the General Assembly. The "Article 10 partners" and IAB members are invited and their participation as observer (no voting rights) is appreciated. |
15:30 - 16:00
Registration and getting together (coffee)
16:00 - 16:30
1. Welcome
2. Roll-call of participants
3. Approval of the agenda
16:30- 17:00
4. Presentation of results from board meetings
- 1 st Executive Board meeting (March 16, 2009)
- 3 month short reporting introduced
- Procedure for reminding delayed or non-reporting partners (1 st first message,2 nd first reminder,3 rd second reminder,4 th decision of WP / SP Leader and EB member about expulsion
- Possible and first practical problems of non-performance (confidentiality) and breaches) discussed
- 2 nd Executive Board meeting (May 13, 2009)
- Web tool accepted by the EU
- Presented procedures and tools reconfirmed (cf. Grant Agreement / DoW / Task 5.2.4) as mandatory part of QMS in iNTeg-Risk for all project partners during the project work
- Dealing with non-performing partners and breaches - potential problems discussed
- Task Force for proposed modifications to DoW
- 1 st IAB meeting (June 3, 2009)
- Nomination of Chairperson and Rappoerteur
- 3-5 important aspects, critical points and recommendations from IAB members
- Discussion
- Vote: Approval of the work of the EB in the first 6 months of the project
17:00- 17:15
5. Review of Grant Agreement and Amendments to the Grant Agreement
- Financial aspects of the Grant Agreement
- payments (done)
- cost statements (due to Dec. 1, 2009)
- audits
- Amendment No. 1 to the Grant Agreement ?lan=230&tab=425&itm=426&pag=419
- Main issue: Removal of beneficiary No. 51 (Regione Lombardia) with changes in Article 1.1 of the Grant Agreement and the Annex 1 of GA
- Status: accepted
- Amendment No. 2 to the Grant Agreement
- Main issue: Removal of beneficiary No. 35 (URL) and addition of beneficiary No. 70 (IQS) with changes to Article 1.1 of the Grant Agreement and Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement (DoW)
- Status: submitted to EU; waiting for finalization
- Open issues in the Grant Agreement - Miscellaneous
- Discussion
17:15- 17:30
6. Review ofConsortium Agreement and Amendments to the CA
- Amendment No. 1 to the Consortium Agreement
- Main issue (Article 2 in CA Amendment No. 1): "Electronic signature" as equivalent to the amendment procedure specified in A rticle 11.4 of the CA
- Status: accepted
- Amendment No. 2 to the Consortium Agreement
- Main Issue: Implement d ecisions from the Executive Board meetings to the contract. Four main decisions are listed below:
- Decision on 3 month short reporting to Article and 6.4 of the CA
- Decision on breaches to Article 4.2 and 9.7 of the CA
- Decision on the mandatory use of the web tool to Article 6.2 of the CA
- Decision on the Task Force for proposed modifications of the DoW
- Status: The modifications agreed at the EB will be embedded into the CA and the respected Amendment submitted for approval
- Open issues in the Consortium Agreement - Miscellaneous
- Discussion
17:30 - 17:45
7. Planning for 2009-2010
Start of SP4
3 month reporting (May 31, 2009)
Annual reporting (Dec. 1, 2009)
Next C onference in September 2010 (Leipzig? Other candidates?)
Next General Assembly again linked to the Conference?
17:45 - 18:00
8. AOB - Final discussion
Links to the main documents:
Voting rules and quorum (Article 6.2.3 of the Consortium Agreement)
"Each Consortium Body shall not deliberate and decide validly unless a quorum of two-thirds (2/3) of its members are present or represented (quorum). Each Member of a Consortium Body present or represented in the meeting shall have voting rights according to its involvement in the project:
major contributors have 3 votes (total budget > 500 k€),
medium contributors 2 votes (200 k€ < total budget < 500 k€),
minor contributors 1 vote (total budget < 200 k€).
Defaulting Party members may not vote. Decisions shall be taken by a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes."
June 4, 2009
iNTeg-Risk Post-conference Workshop in Stuttgart (June 4, 2009) - open for all (Project partners: 100 € + VAT, other participants: 250 € + VAT)
iNTeg-Risk Post-Conference Workshop
iNTeg-Risk - How to build KPIs for emerging risks and new technologies
on June 4, 2009 in Stuttgart (9:00-15:30 p.m.)
Post Conference Workshop on KPIs/SPIs :
iNTeg-Risk - How to build KPIs
for emerging risks and new technologies
June 4, 2009
Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany
Organizing Committee:
H. B. Andersen, DTU, Denmark
V. Cozzani, Univ. of Bologna, Italy
C. Duval, EDF, France
M. Hailwood, Chair OECD Working Group on Chemical Accidents, Germany
P. F. Hansen, DNV, Norway
Ch. Jochum, EPSC, UK
A. Jovanovic, EU-VRi, Germany (Chair)
G. Kuhn, BASF, Germany
O. Salvi, EU-VRi, Germany
P.-A. Schieb, OECD, France
NOTE: The workshop is planned as a meeting occasion for ALL iNTeg-Risk partners, all other project members (Art. 10. IAB members,...) and it is open to external participants.
08:30– 09:00
Registration and getting together
09:00 – 10:30
1. Session - KPIs/SPIs as a generally accepted but partly controversial concept in industry and governance
(Chair: A. Jovanovic, EU-VRi, Germany; G. Kuhn, BASF, Germany )
1.1 Methodology to build Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): for industrial or occupational safety? How to build efficient KPIs? - C. Duval, Y. Dien, M. Voirin, EDF, France <presentation>
1.2 An example of process industry position towards KPIs - G. Kuhn, BASF, Germany <presentation>
1.3 Overview of KPIs approached and practices and their possible use for emerging risks (example insurance/reinsurance - ERRA A2) - A. Jovanovic, EU-VRi, Germany, R. Schneider, Swiss Re, Switzerland <presentation>
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30
2. Session - KPIs/SPIs in iNTeg-Risk
(Chair: B. Debray, INERIS, France; C. Duval, EDF, France )
2.1 OECD Guidance on Developing Safety Performance Indicators related to Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response – Potential for application to areas of emerging risks - L. Cusco, HSL, UK; M. Hailwood, Chair OECD Working Group on Chemical Accidents, Germany <presentation>
2.2 KPIs for Human Factors and Safety Management: Status and prospects - H. B. Andersen, DTU, Denmark <presentation>
2.3 General Concept of KPIs in iNTeg-Risk (ERRA D1) - P. F. Hansen, T. G. Saetren, DNV, Norway <presentation>
2.4 On-line monitoring and assessment of emerging risk in conventional industrial plants - possible way to implement integrated risk management approach and KPIs (ERRA C3)- G. Lenkey, BZF, Hungary; P. Stanojevic, NIS, Serbia; A. Jovanovic, EU-VRi, Germany <presentation was cancelled>
13:30 – 15:00
3. Session - Applying KPIs in ERRAs of iNTeg-Risk project (ERRA = Emerging Risk Representative Application)
(Chair: G. Lenkey, BZF, Hungary; M. Zarea, GDF SUEZ, France)
3.1 Applying KPIs in: Challenges to safety posed by outsourcing of critical tasks - in oil, gas, petrochemical and construction industries, DTU (ERRA C1) -H. B. Andersen, J. Thommesen, DTU, Denmark <presentation>
3.2 Applying KPIs in: Emerging risks related to the industrial use of automated surveillance of linear industrial infrastructure, GDF (ERRA A3) -Ch. Schmidt, Definiens, Germany, M. Zarea, GDF-Suez, France <presentation_Zarea> <presentation_Schmidt>
3.3 Applying KPIs in:The use of KPIs to identify emerging risks related to advanced Liquid Natural Gas(LNG) regasification technologies (ERRA A4) -V. Cozzani, CONPRICI, C. Giorgini, Saipem Energy Services, G. Uguccioni, D'Appolonia , Italy <presentation>
3.4 Applying KPIs in: Emerging risks related to development and use of advanced engineering materials, composite materials, KMM-VIN (ERRA B3) -K. Dolinski, J. Trebicki, KMM-VIN, Poland <presentation>
3.5 Applying KPIs in: Remote operation in environmentally sensitive areas, SINTEF (ERRA C2) -K. Øien, SINTEF, Norway <presentation>
3.6 Industrial safety indicators: rationale and practical application to NaTech Risks (ERRA D2) - B. Affeltranger, Ch. Mazri, M. Reimeringer, INERIS, France <presentation>
15:00 – 15:30
Final Discussion
(Chair: K. Maile, MPA University of Stuttgart, Germany; H.B. Andersen, DTU, Denmark )
End of the Workshop
Note:The Genaral Assembly of iNTeg-Risk project will take place in the follow-up of theWorkshop - please see the "GA Agenda"
June 3, 2009
iNTeg-Risk IAB meeting in Stuttgart (June 3, 2009) - reserved for the IAB members only
iNTeg-Risk IAB meeting
Meeting of the iNTeg-Risk International Advisory Board
June 3, 2009, Stuttgart (16:00 -18:30 p.m.)
Haus der Wirtschaft
Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19
70174 Stuttgart, Germany

Draft Agenda
16:00 Welcome addresses and round table
16:30 Objectives of the IAB, Olivier Salvi
16:45 Nomination of the Chairperson and Rapporteur
17:00 Review of the project objectives and workplan
Based on the information of the project presented during the conference, each Member of the IAB will present in 5-10 min her/his comments on the project following the following structure:
a) 3 to 5 important aspects of iNTeg-Risk (activities, features of the project) because they will solve important issues for the industry and the society or because they are very innovative.
b) 3 to 5 not relevant or critical points of iNTeg-Risk (activities, features of the project) that need actions from the Management Team, to revise the activities or take specific measures.
c) 3 to 5 recommendations to the Management Team.
18:00 Wrap-up and conclusions
18:30 Adjourn
19:00 Dinner of the IAB
June 3, 2009
Technical meeting for the coordination of activities of ERRA D2:
- Work plan
- Activities already carried out
- Coming activities
- Management of the project
- Questions and suggestions
The meeting will be during the 1st iNTeg-Risk Conference in Stuttgart from 15:30 to 16:30 on June 3, 2009 in the "Konferenzraum Ulm" on the 2nd floor of Haus der Wirtschaft.
June 2, 2009
Task Meeting 2.3.8 and 2.4.8 and 2.5.3
Joint Kick-off Meeting for the three corresponding tasks
June 2, 2009
iNTeg-Risk Conference Dinner 2009 in Stuttgart (June 2, 2009) - for all registered participants (free for participants of the conference)
iNTeg-Risk Conference Dinner 2009
June 2, 2009, 18:00-20:00, Stuttgart
Haus der Wirtschaft
Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19
70174 Stuttgart, Germany

June 2, 2009
ZIRN_external meeting I (T 2.3.7)
Pls. note that we meet
June 2, 18.00-19.00 (meeting point conference reception)
Aim: discussion of task on modelling perception of emerging risks T2.3.7
Sasa Jovanovic
Ortwin Renn
Henning Boje Andersen
Dirk Scheer
Michael Loescher
Pia-Johanna Schweizer
June 2 - 4, 2009
1st Integ-Risk Conference
First Integrisk conference in STUTTGART
June 2 - 3, 2009
1st iNTeg-Risk Conference 2009 in Stuttgart (June 2-3, 2009) - open for all, mandatory for iNTeg-Risk partners (Project partners: 200 € + VAT, other participants: 450 € + VAT)
1st iNTeg-Risk Conference 2009
June 2-3, 2009, Stuttgart
Haus der Wirtschaft
Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Please find a draft version of the event booklet under following link:
Please find a compiled pdf-version and a compressed zip-folder of all presentations from the Main Conference under the following links
Compiled presentations (pdf)
Compressed Folder (zip)
1 st iNTeg-Risk Conference:
Dealing with Risks of Tomorrow’s Technologies
June 2-3, 2009
Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany
organized by EU-VRi (European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management) in cooperation with ETPIS (European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety), EU-OSHA (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work), Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies and Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG für Technologietransfer (StC)
Program Committee:
Conference Board:
Organization Committee:
F. Bagnoli
D’Appolonia, Italy
H. Behrens
DIN, Germany
A. Boenke
EC DG Enterprise and Industry
V. Cozzani
L. Cusco
B. Debray
INERIS, France
C. Duval
EDF, France
U. Haug
Steinbeis Int., Germany
S. Jovanovic
Steinbeis R-Tech, Germany
G. Lenkey
BZF, Hungary
J. López de Ipiña
LEIA, Spain
K. Maile
MPA Stuttgart, Germany
R. Nomen
Univ. Ramon Llull, Spain
A. Pirlet
CEN, Belgium
O. Renn (chair)
ZIRN Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
O. Salvi (co-chair)
R. Schneider
Swiss Re, Switzerland
H. Wenzel
VCE, Austria
M. Zarea
GDF SUEZ, France
T. Bahke
Director DIN, Germany
S. Bowadt
EC DG Research
D. Bresch
CRO Swiss Re, Switzerland
W. Gerhardt
Vice President BASF, Germany
M. Hailwood
Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz BW, Germany
C. Jochum
Chairman ETPIS, EU
A. Jovanovic (chair)
CEO EU-VRi, Germany
Ph. Klein
Head of Risk Management Department EDF, France
V. Laflèche
General Director INERIS, France
A. Moreno Ucelay
Chairman PESI, Spain
J.J. Meulenbrugge
TNO, Netherlands
W. Ressel
President Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
E. Rial Gonzáles
Head of European Risk Observatory EU-OSHA
R. X. Ruter
Partner Ernst & Young, Germany
P.-A. Schieb
Head of OECD Futures Projects, France
H. Trasch
President Steinbeis, Germany
D. Balos (chair)
Steinbeis R-Tech
P. P. Das
Steinbeis R-Tech
R. Kokejl
ZIRN Univ. Stuttgart
E. M. Lenart
M. Löscher
V. Mihajlovic
Steinbeis R-Tech
A. Reinhardt
T. Sakurai
Steinbeis R-Tech
R. Kokejl (Conference)
Tel: +49 711 1839 616
E. M. Lenart (Exhibition)
Tel:+49 2408 6969
NOTE: The conference is planned as a meeting occasion for ALL iNTeg-Risk project partners ("main beneficiaries", "Article 10 partner", "Subcontractors" and "IAB members") and their participation is foreseen in the Grant Agreement (Description of Work).
June 2, 2009
08:00 – 09:00
Registration and getting together - visiting the exhibition
(Coffee & refreshments)
09:00 – 10:30
1. Welcome & Introductory session
(Chair: W. Gerhardt, BASF, Germany; Ph. Klein, EDF; V. Laflèche, INERIS, France )
1.1 Welcome – Innovations Stabilize Existences and Jobs - H. Trasch, President Steinbeis Foundation, Germany *presentation*
1.2 Welcome -Role of EU programs and large EU Projects in defining and performing of national R&D in the area of new technologies - H. Bauer, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany *presentation*
1.3 Welcome - Aligning national and EU efforts in the area of future-oriented innovation and education - C. Dumon, Consul General of France, Stuttgart, Germany *presentation*
1.4 European RTD and emerging risks related to new technologies – S. Bowadt, EC DG Research, EU *presentation*
1.5 EU-VRi – a common sustainable response of the European stakeholders to the needs of integrated risk management - V. Laflèche, Director General , INERIS, France *presentation*
1.6 Academic education for emerging issues - how to keep abreast - W. Ressel, Univ. Stuttgart, Germany *presentation*
1.7 iNTeg-Risk project: Providing the basis for a harmonized EU response to the challenges of New Technologies – A. Jovanovic, CEO EU-VRi, iNTeg-Risk Project Coordinator, Germany *presentation*
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break - visiting the exhibition
11:00 – 12:30
2. Emerging Risks related to new technologies – the European perspective
(Chair: A. Jovanovic, EU-VRi, Germany; O. Renn, ZIRN Univ. Stuttgart, Germany P.-A. Schieb, OECD, France)
2.1 European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety (ETPIS) as a catalyst of matching stakeholder needs within EU research - C. Jochum, Chairman ETPIS, Germany *presentation*
2.2 Healthy workplaces, "Good for you, good for your business" a European campaign on Risk Assessment – E. Brun, EU-OSHA, EU *presentation*
2.3 How the industry copes with emerging risks due to new technologies – the case of nanotechnology at BASF - W. Gerhardt, BASF, Germany *presentation*
2.4 Industry response to risks emerging from human and organizational changes – Ph. Klein, EDF, France *presentation*
2.5 Emerging risks in public perception: Will we face an acceptance crisis? – O. Renn, ZIRN Univ. Stuttgart *presentation*
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch (buffet) in the iNTeg-Risk Exhibition area
13:30 – 14:45
3. Emerging Risks related to new technologies – international perspective
(Chair: M. Brun, EU-OSHA; C. Jochum, ETPIS, Germany)
3.1 New Technologies and Corporate Responsibility ― The role of Carbon Accounting - S. Barthelmes, R. X. Ruter, Ernst & Young, Germany *presentation*
3.2 Embedding HSE risk assessment procedures into R&D process for emerging technologies in Japan - A. Kishimoto, AIST, Japan *presentation*
3.3 Situation and Development of Industrial Safety in China - C. F. Huang, B. Zhang and Y. Liu, Risk Analysis Council of China Association for Disaster Prevention, China *presentation*
3.4 Recent OECD efforts to harmonize approaches to safety and risk indicators - P.-A. Schieb, OECD, France *presentation*
3.5 Opportunities for and expectations of government organizations in EU R&D projects - M. Hailwood, LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Chair of the OECD Working Group on Chemical Accidents *presentation*
14:45 – 15:00
Coffee break - visiting the exhibition
15:00 – 16:15
4. Emerging issues in emerging risks I
(Chair: L. Cusco, HSE/HSL, UK; R. Schneider, Swiss Re, Switzerland)
4.1 The limits of engagement in emerging technologies – R. Flynn, Univ. of Salford, UK *presentation*
4.2 Emerging risks: a proactive view from insurance industry – R. Schneider, Swiss Re, Switzerland *presentation*
4.3 Public Awareness Promoting New or Emerging Risks: The Case of Industrial Accidents Triggered by Natural Hazards - E. Salzano, A. Basco, CNR, Italy; V. Busini, R. Rota, E. Renni, V. Cozzani, CONPRICI, Italy *presentation*
4.4 Emerging risks in complex systems – discovering risks in complex system by intelligent simulation of their behavior – H. Fujii, S. Yoshimura, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan *presentation*
4.5 Overview of the project "Alfa-Bird" (Alternative fuels and biofuels for aircraft development)- O. Salvi, EU-VRi *presentation*
16:15 – 16:30
Break - visiting the exhibition
16:30 – 17:30
5. Emerging issues in emerging risks II
(Chair: G. Lenkey, BZF, Hungary; Jesús M López de Ipiña, LEIA, Spain)
5.1How the regulator can anticipate and react to emerging risks proportionately - L. Cusco, HSE/HSL, UK *presentation*
5.2 Searching for synergies among the EU R&D projects - H. Wenzel, VCE, Austria *presentation*
5.3 Use of modern risk appraisal and modeling tools in nanotechnology applications (EU Project MUST) - D. Balos, R-Tech, Germany; N. Filipović, Harvard School of Public Health, US *presentation*
5.4 Emerging Risks: How can standardization brokers/organizations support the anticipation and management process - H. Behrens, DIN, Germany *presentation*
17:30 – 18:00
6. Discussion
18:00 – 20:00
Conference Dinner (buffet) - exhibition area
Dinner Welcome:
Large European research projects as a chance for fostering university cooperation and education in emerging scientific areas - C. Fourcaud, Embassy of France, Germany
Steinbeis – Competitive Transfer of Technology and Innovation - U. Haug, Steinbeis Foundation, Germany
June 3, 2009
09:00 – 10:30
7. Presenting the iNTeg-Risk project: Corner Stones
(Chair: F. Bagnoli, D'Appolonia, Italy; S. Bowadt, EC DG Research, EU)
7.1 From Shape-Risk to iNTeg-Risk - O. Salvi, EU-VRi *presentation*
7.2 From IRGC Framework and sample applications (ERRAs) to Emerging Risk Management Framework (ERMF) - A. Jovanovic, O. Renn, P. J. Schweizer, ZIRN Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany *presentation*
7.3 Non-mandatory forms offered by CEN for consensus building in EU RTD projects -A. Pirlet, CEN, Belgium *presentation*
7.4 Catalogue of risks and its limitations - D. Proske, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria *presentation*
7.5 Combining LCA and RA for the integrated risk management of emerging risks- Leo Breedveld, 2B Consulenza Ambientale, Italy *presentation*
7.6 UML as a tool modeling of risks - M. Ström, Swerea IVF, Sweden *presentation*
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break – visiting the exhibition
11:00 – 12:30
8. Presenting the iNTeg-Risk project: Presenting and analyzing iNTeg-Risk ERRAs (Emerging Risk Representative Industrial Applications) (SP1)
(Chair: M. Zarea, GDF SUEZ, France; B. Debray, INERIS, France)
8.1 Aspects and needs related to emerging risks within industrial safety area including various dimensions of safety - An EU-Policy Perspective Viewpoint – A. Boenke EC DG Enterprise and Industry, EU *presentation*
8.2 From specific industrial problems to a common European approach in iNTeg-Risk ERRAs - M. Zarea, GDF SUEZ, France; B. Debray, INERIS, France *presentation*
8.3 Emerging risks due to extreme storage of hazardous materials - U. Krause, BAM, Germany; P. Lerena, SWISSI, Basel, Switzerland *presentation*
8.4 Nanotechnologies & SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) - G. Klein, TÜV Süd, Germany *presentation*
8.5 Emerging risks in alternative strategies of CO 2 capture and storage - P. Auerkari, S. Holmström, J. Salonen, A.-M. Heikkilä, VTT, Finland *presentation*
8.6 Providing common basis for exploring and reporting on emerging risks ("ERRA template") - K. Øien, SINTEF, Norway; E. Kon, EU-VRi, Israel/Germany *presentation*
12:30 – 13:45
Lunch (buffet) in the iNTeg-Risk Exhibition area
13:45 – 15:15
9. Presenting the iNTeg-Risk project: Harmonizing the approaches into a common framework (ERMF - Emerging Risks Management Framework) (SP2) (Chair: C. Duval, EDF, France; V. Cozzani, UNIBO, Italy)
9.1 How a common solution for emerging risk will look like and be applied - C. Duval, G . Deleuze, EDF, France; V. Cozzani, CONPRICI, Italy *presentation*
9.2 Process Improvement and Emerging Risk Management. The CMMI + SAFE Approach- F. Bagnoli, D'Appolonia, Italy *presentation*
9.3 Methodology to build Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): for industrial or occupational safety? How to build efficient KPIs? - C. Duval, Y. Dien, M. Voirin, EDF, France *presentation*
9.4 Decider: A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Group Decision Support System Software - J. Ma, J. Lu and G. Zhang, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology UTS, Australia *presentation*
9.5 An investigation of the safety attitudes of designers in the Safety-Critical Industries - N. J. Beesley, K. Daniels, A. Cheyne, V. Wimalasiri, Loughborough University, UK *presentation*
9.6 The Occupational Risk Model and the ORM tool - I. A. Papazoglou, O. N. Aneziris, M. Konstantinidou, National Centre for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS", Greece *presentation*
15:15 – 15:30
10. Final discussion and break-out session "Where do we want to be in iNTeg- Risk in June 2010, where in June 2013"
Panel Discussion : C. Jochum, ETPIS; J.J. Meulenbrugge, TNO; V. Laflèche, INERIS; G. Lenkey, BZF; J. López de Ipiña, LEIA; A. Pirlet, CEN; M. Zarea, GDF-SUEZ; R. Schneider, Swiss Re *presentation*
End of the Conference
Note: IAB Meeting and Dinner will take place in the follow-up of the conference - please see the "Accompanying Events" Agenda
June 2 - 3, 2009
iNTeg-Risk Conference Exhibition 2009 in Stuttgart (June 2-3, 2009)
June 2, 2009
Task Meeting, WP 2.3.8 and 2.4.8 and 2.5.3
WP Leader MiT/Martin Nelke: First Meeting with all work package participants of WP 2.3.8 and 2.4.8 and 2.5.3 to discuss actions and objectives
May 28, 2009
T1.3.3: ERRA B3 kick-off meeting as a teleconference (May 28, 2009)
Task 1.3.3. - ERRA B3 kick-off meeting:
Emerging risks related to development and use of advanced engineering materilas, composite materials.
The meeting will be organized as a teleconference on
May 28, 2009 at 03:00 p.m. (CET, GMT+1).
Welcome of participants (K. Dolinski, J. Trebicki)
Main goals of the ERRA and the current stage of the Project (J. Trebicki)
Short presentation of tasks to be done by each ERRA’s Participant (all Participants)
Work done so far (all Participants)
Understanding of KPIs – discussion in the context of the 1st iNTeg-Risk Workshop, June 4(Discussion)
Future work planning (all Participants)
Teleconference - How to participate:
In order to participate please dial the number from the list below or the attached list (use the one most convenient for you) and use the PIN number
You have to give this PIN to enter to the conference then you will have to give your name.
Numbers for Telecon:
: 0820 4000 1502(calls answered in German); 0820 4000 1503 (calls answered in English)
: 01805 006 685(calls answered in German); 01805 006 683 (calls answered in English)
: 0870 22 333 33
+99 03 769 4422 (calls answered in English); +99 03 769 4922 (calls answered in German)
If a dial-in number is not listed for the country you require, please dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates).
*The dial-in numbers in these countries are not available for use from mobiles. In these countries, mobile callers should continue to dial +44 870 22 333 33 (calls charged at international rates).
May 26, 2009
T2.6.6: Internal meeting I
Teilnehmer: Ortwin Renn, Dirk Scheer, Pia-Johanna Schweizer
Pia-Johanna wird für die Matrix, bestehend aus IRGC Risk Governance Framework und T-H-C-R Fragen entwerfen, die das IRGC Risk Governance Framework spezifizieren. Diese Fragen sollen in die existierende Template integriert werden. Ziel ist es, spezifischen Input für jede ERRA zu erhalten.
Endprodukte von T2.6.6 sollen sein:
- Generic template für emerging risks
- Checkliste als computer tool für emerging risks
- Empfehlung für Normierungsbehörden
- Formaler Endbericht
Es wurde die enge Zusammenabreit von Dirk und Pia-Johanna vereinbart. Dirk und Pia-Johanna werden ihre Arbeit aufeinander abstimmen, um Redundanzen zu vermeiden. Pia-Johanna wird Dirk bei der inhaltlichen Vorbereitung der Delphi-Workshops unterstützen.
May 25, 2009
Kick-off meeting Task 2.1.1
Kick-off meeting Task 2.1.1 - Telecon
1) Revision of DoW
2) Revision of Deliverables
3) Revision of delivery dates
4) Coordination of work and attribution of responsibilities
5) AOB
May 22, 2009
iNTeg-Risk open users' forum: "Collaborative Documents" (May 22, 2009, 10:00)
8th iNTeg-Risk open users' forum
"Collaborative Documents"
May 22
, 2009 at 10:00 (CET)
event will be organized to introduce the users to the collaborative
authoring section within the iNTeg-Risk web tool to enable them working
on collaborative documents for their task deliverables.
The benefit of Collaborative Authoring (edit history, version control, user rights)
How to access the Collaborative Documents
Editing the Collaborative Document (user manual available)
Comments to the Collaborative Document
Please register by submitting your credentials at registration.
When registered, you will receive further instructions how to participate to this open users' forum
May 19, 2009
Next Telcon
telcon on Task 1.3.2 ERRA B2
May 19, 2009
T1.2.3 - ERRA A3 Telecon (May 19, 2009)
Teleconference to
follow the advance of works.
May 19, 2009
ERRA A4 Technical Meeting - Consequence analysis modeling and experimetnal data
Technical meeting for the coordination of activities of ERRA A4 partners on consequence modeling and experimental data. Meeting hosted by BAM in Berlin
May 13, 2009
Telecon to inform WP- and Task Leaders about the presentation of the QMS (May 13, 2009 in Brussels)
Telecon to inform WP- and Task Leaders about the presentation of the QMS of iNTeg-Risk
May 13, 2009
as a
14:00 – 15:00
objective of the meeting is to have the iNTeg-Risk Quality Management
System (more detailed below under "AGENDA") approved by the European
Commission and the Executive Board members of iNTeg-Risk to establish
these procedures and tools as mandatory for all project partners during
the project work.
Therefore representatives of the European
Commission and the Executive Board members (Subproject leaders) and the
Management/Support team
of iNTeg-Risk
will be present at the physical meeting at 10:00-15:00 on May 13, 2009.
To inform the Workpackage and Taskleaders about the decisions made and action
to be taken, there will be a teleconference at 14:00 on May 13, 2009.
14:00 - 15:00 Teleconference with Workpackage Leaders and Task Leaders
IV Presentation and review of the decisions and actions
V Open discussion with questions and answers
15:00 End of the meeting
May 13, 2009
2nd Executive Board meeting - Presentation of the Quality Management System of iNTeg-Risk (May 13, 2009 in Brussels)
2nd Executive Board meeting
Presentation of the Quality Management System of iNTeg-Risk
May 13, 2009
CEN, Brussels (Room HORTA, on 5th)
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
(Teleconference with WP and Task leaders will start at 2:00 PM)
The objective of the meeting is to have the iNTeg-Risk Quality Management System (more detailed below under "AGENDA") approved by the European Commission and the Executive Board members of iNTeg-Risk to establish these procedures and tools as mandatory for all project partners during the project work.
Therefore representatives of the European Commission and the Executive Board members (Subproject leaders) and the Management/Support team of iNTeg-Risk will be present at the physical meeting at 10:00-15:00 on May 13, 2009.
To inform the Workpackage and Taskleaders about the decisions made and action to be taken, there will be a teleconference at 14:00 on May 13, 2009.
10:00 - 12:30 Physical Meeting with representatives from EC, Executive Board and
the Management Team of iNTeg-Risk I
I Project management and quality management system
1. Management of partner companies (64 + 20 partners)
and their roles
2. Management of partner persons (currently 306) and their roles
3. Management of SPs (5), WPs (36), tasks (240)
4. Time-sheet system
5. Cost monitoring system
6. Cost & technical periodic reporting system
7. Technical reporting (document & version control, + access right)
8. Deliverable/obligation control and monitoring system
9. Bank account cluster for separate project activities
10. Teleconferencing and project communication system
12:30 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:00 Physical Meeting with representatives from EC, Executive Board and
the Management Team of iNTeg-Risk IIII Decision-making
11. Non-performing partners
- ERRA B1, Resp.: Novineon, Fabian Rieber => no reply / no plan
- ERRA C5, Resp.: JRC, Christou Michalis => no reply / no plan
- ERRA D2, Resp.: LEIA, Jesús López de Ipiña => no reply / no plan
- ERRA D1, Partner NIS => signals difficulties due to change in ownership (GAZPROM)
12. Breaches
- Partner INCDPM => several misuses of e-mail tool and e-mail adresses
14:00 - 15:00 Teleconference with Workpackage Leaders and Task Leaders
IV Presentation and review of the decisions and actions
V Open discussion with questions and answers
15:00 End of the meeting
Minutes of the meeting (as discussed):
Minutes in the nutshell:
- The web tool must "mirror" the work in the project. That means what is not visible in the tool is informally not done.
- The check of the web tool at the meeting has confirmed its conformance with the EU-principles and guidelines.
- The meeting confirmed that iNTeg-Risk is "one-of-the-kind" project and that there is no other like that which points clearly out the challenges and opportunities of the work to be done.
(see detailed minutes below)
Physical Meeting with representatives from EC, Executive Board
and the Management Team of iNTeg-Risk
- Mr. Jovanovic welcomed all participants
- Soren Bowadt introduced Antonio Cipollaro to the Executive Board
- Mr. Bowadt and Mr. Cipollaro will jointly follow the project in the transition period (see news section for more information about Mr. Cipollaro).
- Mr. Jovanovic pointed out that the project needs dedicated tools and rules for smooth operation and management. Therefore the backing or "endorsement" of the Commission, based on the rules that EU-VRi, as coordinator has defined is needed.The objective of the meeting is to show the tools and collect the feedback.
- Soren Bowadt mentioned that a webtool is "practically mandatory" for such a project and that it is necessary that the coordinator defines the rules.The decision process has to be clear and the decisions have to be monitored.
- F. Biagioni added that from a legal point of view the consortium is free to develop the rules for management. But the EC encourages the use of effective management tools that can track decisions.
- Daniel Balos added that the tool is not only for project management but for collaborative work too.
- Discussion on changes of the DoW:
- Soren bowadt was concerened about frequent modifications of the DoW. There is no need to have an amendment if changes in the description of some tasks.
- It was agreed by all, that if appropriate, the description of work might be simplified to make sure that a small change in a task will not end up in an amendment to the contract. This means to keep the balance between a precise description of the work to be done, and the correct understanding of the work without too many words in the DoW.
I Project management and quality management system
- Accepted by EB with the following comments
- The timesheets should be adjusted to meet better the needs of the project work (e.g. explanation on working hours)
7. Technical reporting (document & version control + access right)
(Coll. Doc. for D1.1.1.1:
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