Project structure and main planned achievements

The iNTeg-Risk solution is based on the analysis of 17 individual applications of new technologies, the so-called iNTeg-Risk ERRAs - Emerging Risk Representative Applications in EU Industry, involving e.g. nanotechnologies, H2 technologies, underground storage of CO2, new materials. The solutions from these single applications have been generalized and have been used for the definition of the iNTeg-Risk framework.

The solution is being made available to the users in the form of the iNTeg-Risk "one-stop shop". The solution includes issues of early recognition and monitoring of emerging risks, communication, governance, pre-standardization, education & training, dissemination, as well as new tools such as Safetypedia, Atlas of Emerging Risks, Reference Library, etc.

The subprojects in iNTeg-Risk, listed below, reflect the approach described above:

Subproject 1: Technology cases - Identifying specific emerging risks and developing solutions for iNTeg-Risk framework

Subproject 2: Creating an integrated scientific & technology framework for analysis and management of emerging risks

Subproject 3: Verifying SP 2 results and validating the whole method

Subproject 4: iNTeg-Risk integrated EU solution, the “iNTeg-Risk one-stop-shop” for solutions addressing emerging risks

Subproject 5: PROJECT MANAGEMENT & MORE: Managing iNTeg-Risk and creating its “post-project” infrastructure



Main achievements as in May 2011

In spring 2011 the project entered the second half of its planned duration. This has been marked by the following main results achieved:

·          All 17 ERRAs accomplished and consolidation of their results started

·          More than 160 so-called ERIs (Emerging Risks Issues, risk scenarios) within ERRAs have been identified and described

·          More than 900 early warnings (iNTeg-Risk "notions") acquired and partly processed

·          More than 200 iNTeg-Risk specific KPIs (key performance indicators) identified and described

·          Integration works on ERRAs started or partly accomplished (e.g. Delphi workshops)

·          iNTeg-Risk Paradigm defined and final report submitted

·          iNTeg-Risk Framework defined and the final report drafted

·          iNTeg-Risk system for acquisition and monitoring of early warnings RiskEars with the above mentioned approx. 900 notions, ERIs and ERRAs developed and four main ways of entering notions opened: from the company employees, from the project partners, from public and from the web-based searches

·          iNTeg-Risk KPI Library with the above 200+ iNTeg-Risk KPIs and other approx. 2,000 relevant KPIs stored

·          The development of iNTeg-Risk Safetypedia started

·          iNTeg-Risk system for mapping of emerging and other risks (RiskAtlas) with over 200 layers of data related to hazards and vulnerabilities – e.g. earthquakes, hazardous materials, industrial plants (refineries, power plants, nuclear power plants), nature protection areas, carbon caption and sequestration plants, etc.; the emerging risks can be "recognized" by calculating the risk indicators for hazard-vulnerability pair from the points in the respective layers

·          The development of iNTeg-Risk Safetypedia started

·          iNTeg-Risk system for mapping of emerging and other risks (RiskAtlas) with over 200 layers of data related to hazards and vulnerabilities – e.g. earthquakes, hazardous materials, industrial plants (refineries, power plants, nuclear power plants), nature protection areas, carbon caption and sequestration plants, etc.; the emerging risks can be "recognized" by calculating the risk indicators for hazard-vulnerability pair from the points in the respective layers 

·          Several innovative methods have been used for emerging risk identification and the tools for their application developed in the project: agent-based methods (e.g. for terahertz technology), intelligent fuzzy clustering and self-organizing networks (e.g. for emerging risk notions), ...


One of the key accomplishments in the iNTeg-Risk project is the One-Stop-Shop, which is developed within the work of SP 4.