Main achievements as in May 2011

In spring 2011 the project entered the second half of its planned duration. This has been marked by the following main results achieved:

·          All 17 ERRAs accomplished and consolidation of their results started

·          More than 160 so-called ERIs (Emerging Risks Issues, risk scenarios) within ERRAs have been identified and described

·          More than 900 early warnings (iNTeg-Risk "notions") acquired and partly processed

·          More than 200 iNTeg-Risk specific KPIs (key performance indicators) identified and described

·          Integration works on ERRAs started or partly accomplished (e.g. Delphi workshops)

·          iNTeg-Risk Paradigm defined and final report submitted

·          iNTeg-Risk Framework defined and the final report drafted

·          iNTeg-Risk system for acquisition and monitoring of early warnings RiskEars with the above mentioned approx. 900 notions, ERIs and ERRAs developed and four main ways of entering notions opened: from the company employees, from the project partners, from public and from the web-based searches

·          iNTeg-Risk KPI Library with the above 200+ iNTeg-Risk KPIs and other approx. 2,000 relevant KPIs stored

·          The development of iNTeg-Risk Safetypedia started

·          iNTeg-Risk system for mapping of emerging and other risks (RiskAtlas) with over 200 layers of data related to hazards and vulnerabilities – e.g. earthquakes, hazardous materials, industrial plants (refineries, power plants, nuclear power plants), nature protection areas, carbon caption and sequestration plants, etc.; the emerging risks can be "recognized" by calculating the risk indicators for hazard-vulnerability pair from the points in the respective layers

·          The development of iNTeg-Risk Safetypedia started

·          iNTeg-Risk system for mapping of emerging and other risks (RiskAtlas) with over 200 layers of data related to hazards and vulnerabilities – e.g. earthquakes, hazardous materials, industrial plants (refineries, power plants, nuclear power plants), nature protection areas, carbon caption and sequestration plants, etc.; the emerging risks can be "recognized" by calculating the risk indicators for hazard-vulnerability pair from the points in the respective layers 

·          Several innovative methods have been used for emerging risk identification and the tools for their application developed in the project: agent-based methods (e.g. for terahertz technology), intelligent fuzzy clustering and self-organizing networks (e.g. for emerging risk notions), ...


One of the key accomplishments in the iNTeg-Risk project is the One-Stop-Shop, which is developed within the work of SP 4.