The Department of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and
Materials Science of the University of Pisa (DICCISM), has a broad
spectrum of research activities covering Industrial Chemistry, Organic
Industrial Chemistry, Materials Science and Applied Chemistry,
Principles of Chemical Engineering, Process Equipment and Chemical
Plant Design, Process and Chemical Plant Control, Metallurgy,
Biomedical Materials and Polymers. The Department is currently staffed
by 10 Full Professors, 14 Associate Professors, 12 Assistant
Professors, 6 Administrative technicians and 13 Technicians.
Department promotes and develops the research and the academic
activities in the framework of industrial safety, mainly focused on
actual applications in the process industry. The Department
participates to the research activities of CONPRICI (CONsorzio
Interuniversitario per la Prevenzione e la Protezione dai RIschi
Chimico-Industriali) with other Italian universities and will act as a
Research Unit of the CONPRICI consortium in the Integ-Risk project