Dipartimento Ingegneria Chimica Materiali e Ambiente - Sapienza Universitá di Roma
The Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials and Environment was established in 1983, deriving from the aggregation of the previous Institutes of Chemistry, Applied and Industrial Chemistry, Extractive Mining and Metallurgy. The Department permanent research staff consists of about 20 full professors, 30 associate professors and 30 researchers, thus resulting one of the largest of the “La Sapienza” University of Rome.
The Department joined the CONPRICI consortium since its foundation and will act as a Research Unit of CONPRICI in the Integ-Risk project.
UROM teaching, research and consulting activities cover a great number of aspects of Chemical, Materials and Environmental Engineering, and a specific research group is active in the field of risk assessment, loss prevention and safety promotion since more than 15 years. This group consists of about 10 people, with a steady core from UROM research staff, plus some grant holders and private consultants, plus some students working on their thesis.