Make your first step and learn the basics of risk management!
In the framework of the EU FP7 project iNTeg-Risk "Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology related Risks", Steinbeis University (STI Advanced Risk Technologies) and other project partners have set up a modern and modular European Master and Certification Program with the emphasis on management and analysis of emerging risks related to new technologies. Herewith, we announce the forthcoming course
Introduction to Risk Management
December 12 - 16, 2011 Stuttgart, Germany
Lecturers: Marko Gerbec, Aleksandar, S. Jovanovic, Ortwin Renn
The course is open for students of the universities and employees of the companies participating in the project, as well as for the external participants.
The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives and their application in industry. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (e.g. accidents-related) and chronic (e.g. pollution-related) risks. Special attention is devoted to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodologies.
At the end of the course students are expected to have basic knowledge about:
- general terms used in the area of risk, safety, hazard, risk and risk assessment...
- respective EU regulation/directives such as REACH, Seveso II, ATEX, and the obligations resulting from them
- main elements of the process safety assessment (input data, hazards identification methods and tools, scenario elaboration and assessment of related risks…), including major accidents prevention policy
- safety measures, based on regulatory requirements, as implemented in the different EU member states.
As an option, the course covers the issues of risk perception and risk communication and tackles the method of stakeholder involvement in technical risk management.
As introductory, the course is dedicated to the wide range of participants, such as:
- professionals dealing with risk issues on management or operation level
- individuals with no previous experience in the field of risk management, but willing to extend their knowledge and take up new roles in risk management in their companies
- students of Steinbeis Master of Risk Engineering and Management program and similar programs.
Course I-R1
Introduction to Risk Management
December 12-16, 2011
Haus der Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
With this course we open the series of courses which all belong to joint effort of iNTeg-Risk project (represented by EU-VRi and other partners), University of Stuttgart (ZIRN) and Steinbeis University Berlin (STI Advanced Risk Technologies) to set a modern, modular and distributed model of education and certification in the area of Risk Engineering and Management with particular emphasis on the issue of emerging risks, in particular those related to new technologies (see the draft document with the report from iNTeg-Risk WP4.10).
The course is embedded into the certified and accredited system of SHB (Steinbeis University Berlin) and means that each course brings credit points for academic and/or professional education.
Short Description:
The course covers the main topics of industrial safety, starting with different aspects of risks and terminology used in the field. The main part of the course is dedicated to the related EU directives. The course outlines goals, scope and required measures / obligations considering acute (accidents) and chronic (pollution) risks. Special focus is given to major accident prevention and related process safety risk assessment methodology.
Furthermore, the course
- is illustrated by number of examples
- presents commonly used method and tools and
- provides exercises and preparation for the final exam.
As introductory, the course is dedicated to the wide range of participants, such as:
- professionals dealing with risk issues on management or operation level,
- individuals with no previous experience in the field of risk management, but willing to extend their knowledge and take up new roles in risk management in their companies,
- students of Steinbeis Master of Risk Engineering and Management program and similar programs.
At the end of the course students are expected to have basic knowledge about:
- general terms used in the area of risk, safety, hazard, risk and risk assessment...
- respective EU regulation/directives such as REACH, Seveso II, ATEX, and the obligations resulting from them
- main elements of the process safety assessment (input data, hazards identification methods and tools, scenario elaboration and assessment of related risks…), including major accidents prevention policy
- safety measures, based on regulatory requirements, as implemented in the different EU member states.
As an option, the course covers the issues of risk perception and risk communication and tackles the method of stakeholder involvement in technical risk management.
The course participants will receive the training material consisting of textbook and transparencies (download), as used by the lecturers during the course.
Further information can be found on the program. Registration for the course is open at:
(If you are partner in iNTeg-Risk project please, use your iNTeg-Risk credentials for registration)
The course represents the introduction to the topics of risks related to the general use of the chemicals by a modern society and related industrial sectors (chemical/process, oil & gas, power generation, heating, etc.).
Hazards, related risks, and due legislative safety measures considering acute (accidents) and chronic (pollution) risks within life cycle of chemicals (hazardous materials) will be presented. Special focus is given to major accidents prevention (EU legislative obligations) and related process safety risk assessment methodology.
In the end of the course students will have basic knowledge about:
- general terms used in the area of risk (safety, hazard, risk and risk assessment...)
- topics of corresponding EU regulation/directives such as REACH, Seveso II, ATEX, and others
- major accidents prevention (EU legislative obligations) and related process safety risk assessment methodology
- main steps in process safety assessment (input data, hazards and identification methods and tools, related risks, and due legislative
- safety measures related to acute (accidents) and chronic (pollution) risks within life cycle of chemicals (hazardous materials).
Registration fees for participants are:
Get more info and register for the course now:
10% discount for registrations received before December 4, 2011
Registration deadline: December 5, 2011
Course venue:
Steinbeis University Berlin
Steinbeis Transfer Institute Advanced Risk Technologies
Course venue:
Kienestraße 35
70174 Stuttgart, Germany